The Superintendent shall supervise the installation of water service pipes and their connection to the water main and enforce all regulations pertaining to water services in the City in accordance with this chapter. This chapter shall apply to all replacements of existing water service pipes as well as to new ones. The Superintendent shall make such rules, not in conflict with the provisions of this chapter, as may be needed for the detailed operation of the water system, subject to the approval of the Council. In the event of an emergency the Superintendent may make temporary rules for the protection of the system until due consideration by the Council may be had.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 372.13[4])
All residences and business establishments within the City limits intended or used for human habitation, occupancy or use shall be connected to the public water system if a water main is within one hundred (100) feet of the property line of such owner and if the building is not furnished with pure and wholesome water from some other source. No new private on-site well systems will be allowed to be constructed or drilled within the corporate City limits without a waiver approved by the City Council. All new private on-site well applications to the City must meet the following minimum standards before the application can be considered and may be subject to further conditions of approval by the City Council:
1. Compliance with regulations. The type, capacity, location, construction and layout of a proposed private on-site well system shall comply with all applicable City, State and Federal laws, and will be subject to compliance reviews by the City Engineer.
2. Subdivisions. Consideration of an application for a waiver to construct or drill a private on-site well system is limited to plats created under the minor subdivision procedures of Chapter 166 of the City Code or individual lots whose property line sits more than 100 feet from a city water main. The Council shall not grant applications for private on-site well systems for lots created under the major subdivision procedures of Chapter 166.
3. Feasibility. The Council shall deny applications for a waiver to construct or drill a private on-site well system if the approved five year capital improvement plan (CIP) includes the construction of a water main which will bring a main within 100 feet of the property line of the lot.
4. Mandatory Connection. The developer or homeowner of any lot granted a waiver under this subsection shall be required to sign a mandatory connection agreement with the City requiring connection to a city water main at such time one is provided within 100 feet of the property line. Said agreement shall be notarized and recorded with Linn County.
5. Maintenance and Inspection. The owners of the private well shall cause the well to be inspected by a certified well driller at regular intervals not to exceed five (5) years. Copies of the well inspection report shall be provided to the city engineer and shall include a detailed description of the condition of the well casing, well pump and discharge pipe, exposed formations and any contaminants present in the well as determined through water quality testing (conducted by a State or certified laboratory).
Before any person makes a connection with the public water system, a written permit must be obtained from the City. The application for the permit shall include a legal description of the property, the name of the property owner, the name and address of the person who will do the work, and the general uses of the water. If the proposed work meets all the requirements of this chapter and if all fees required under this chapter have been paid, the permit shall be issued. Work under any permit must be completed within sixty (60) days after the permit is issued, except that when such time period is inequitable or unfair due to conditions beyond the control of person making the application, an extension of time within which to complete the work may be granted. The permit may be revoked at any time for any violation of these chapters.
The following charges shall be paid to the City prior to the installation of a new water meter or the issuance of any water connection permit from the premises to which the charges apply. Each premise applying for a new water service or water meter, as distinguished from a change in location or reconnection of equivalent size, shall pay the connection charge, based on meter size, per household equivalent, as follows:
5/8" | $500.00 | 2" | $4,000.00 |
3/4" | $750.00 | 3" | $8,000.00 |
1" | $1,250.00 | 4" | $12,500.00 |
1 ½" | $2,500.00 |
In addition to the connection charge, any "out of pocket" expenses incurred by the City in making water service available to the property served, including but not limited to costs for meters larger than the rated size of 5/8" (See Section 91.07, Meter Costs)", shall be reimbursed to the City. Any labor expenses incurred by the City involved with the connection process will be charged back to the applicant at the applicable labor rates and be reimbursed back to the City.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 384.84)