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90.10       EXCAVATIONS.
All trench work, excavation and backfilling required in making a connection shall be performed in accordance with applicable excavation provisions as provided for installation of building sewers and/or the provisions of Chapter 135.
90.11       TAPPING MAINS.
All taps into water mains shall be made by or under the direct supervision of the Superintendent and in accord with the following:
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 372.13[4])
1.   Independent Services. No more than one house, building or premises shall be supplied from one tap unless special written permission is obtained from the Superintendent and unless provision is made so that each house, building or premises may be shut off independently of the other.
2.   Sizes and Location of Taps. All mains six (6) inches or less in diameter shall receive no larger than a three-fourths (3/4) inch tap. All mains of over six (6) inches in diameter shall receive no larger than a one inch tap. Where a larger connection than a one inch tap is desired, two (2) or more small taps or saddles shall be used, as the Superintendent shall order. All taps in the mains shall be made at or near the top of the pipe, at least eighteen (18) inches apart. No main shall be tapped nearer than two (2) feet of the joint in the main.
3.   Corporation Stop. A brass corporation stop, of the pattern and weight approved by the Superintendent, shall be inserted in every tap in the main. The corporation stop in the main shall be of the same size as the service pipe.
4.   Location Record. An accurate and dimensional sketch showing the exact location of the tap and curb stop shall be filed with the Superintendent in such form as the Superintendent shall require.
Water service pipes from the main to the meter setting shall be standard weight Type K copper or 140 pound test P.V.C.
Pipe must be laid sufficiently waving, and to such depth, as to prevent rupture from settlement or freezing.
All costs and expenses incident to the installation, connection and maintenance of the water service pipe shall be in accordance with the following:
1.    Installation and Connection. The property owner shall be responsible for all costs and expenses of the initial installation and connection of the service pipe from the main to the building or destination served.
2.    Maintenance. After the initial installation and the connection, the property owner shall be responsible for maintenance of the service pipe from the curb stop main shut-off valve to the building or destination served.
When any portion of the water service pipe which is the responsibility of the property owner becomes defective or creates a nuisance and the owner fails to correct such nuisance the City may do so and assess the costs thereof to the property.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 364.12[3a & h])
90.15       CURB VALVE.
There shall be installed within the public right-of-way a main shut-off valve on the water service pipe at the outer sidewalk line with a suitable lock and cover as approved by the Superintendent.
90.16       INTERIOR VALVE.
There shall be installed a shut-off valve on every service pipe inside the building as close to the entrance of the pipe within the building as possible and so located that the water can be shut off conveniently and the pipes drained. Where one service pipe supplies more than one customer within the building, there shall be separate valves for each such customer so that service may be shut off for one without interfering with service to the others.