Planning and Zoning Commission
33.001 Establishment
33.002 Membership; terms; oath; compensation
33.003 Removal from office; vacancies
33.004 Powers and duties
33.005 Conflict of interest
33.006 Organization; meetings
33.007 Employment of experts; expenditures
33.008 Annual report
33.009 Review of proposed plats
33.010 Zoning
33.011 Availability of city records
Board of Adjustment and Appeals
33.025 Establishment; membership
Police Advisory Commission
33.040 Establishment; purpose
33.041 Membership; oath; term; compensation
33.042 Meetings
33.043 Powers and duties
33.044 Conflict of interest
33.045 Expenses
Parks and Recreation and Forestry Commission
33.060 Establishment; purpose
33.061 Membership; oath; compensation
33.062 Terms and vacancies
33.063 Conflicts of interest
33.064 Removal from office
33.065 Organization and meetings
33.066 Powers and duties
33.067 Budget and finances
33.068 Rules and regulations
Economic Development Commission
33.080 Establishment
33.081 Purpose
33.082 Composition; members; qualifications; terms of office
33.083 Conflict of interest
33.084 Compensation
33.085 Vacancies
33.086 Organization; meetings
33.087 Expenditures
33.088 Duties