(A)   The Commission shall be composed of seven equal voting members, including three business representatives and four residents, appointed by the Authority Board of Commissioners based on the recommendation of the Economic Development Commission, from the applications submitted. Members shall have diverse qualifications with practical experience consisting of, not limited to, but including one of the following areas: economics; finance; accounting; real estate; social services; and marketing. For the purpose of initiating the Commission, the terms of all members shall expire 12-31-1994.
   (B)   Beginning January 1995, three members shall serve a one-year term, two members shall serve two-year terms and two members shall serve three-year terms. Thereafter, members shall serve three-year staggered terms, with terms expiring December 31 of each year. At least two of these terms, but not more than three terms, shall expire each year. The appointees shall be duly sworn and take office at the first regular meeting of the Commission in the month of January each year. Both original and successive appointees shall hold their offices until their successors are appointed and qualified.
(Prior Code, § 408.03) (Ord. 542, passed 06-27-1994; Ord. 546, passed 07-25-1994; Ord. 677, passed 02-12-2001; Ord. 741, passed 06-28-2004)