§ 33.088 DUTIES.
   In order to carry on its purpose, the Commission shall:
   (A)   Confer with and advise the Authority on all matters concerning the industrial and commercial development and redevelopment of the city;
   (B)   Publicize, with the consent of the Authority, the industrial and commercial advantages and opportunities of the city;
   (C)   Collect data and information as to the type of industries and commerce best suited to the city;
   (D)   Survey the overall condition of the city from the standpoint of determining whether the city has a community climate for industry and to determine the general receptiveness of the city of particular types of industry;
   (E)   Publicize information as to the general advantages of industrial and commercial development and redevelopment in a community;
   (F)   Cooperate with all industries and businesses in the city and in the solution of any community problems which they may have, and to encourage the expansion, development and management of the industries and business so as to promote the general welfare of the city;
   (G)   Coordinate the economic development activities of the various groups active in the city;
   (H)   Recommend zoning changes and development of areas suitable for industrial and commercial development and redevelopment to the Planning Commission;
   (I)   Develop, compile, coordinate and publicize information such as, but not limited to, the following:
      (1)   Existing industrial and commercial concerns within the city, their addresses, types of business, number of employees and whether each serves local, regional or national markets;
      (2)   Available industrial and commercial sites including number of acres and square footage, approximate price, existing zoning and proximity to highways;
      (3)   Available buildings for industrial and commercial operations, including type of buildings, number of square feet, existing zoning and proximity to highways;
      (4)   Transportation facilities, including railroads, motor carriers, water transportation, air transportation and highway facilities that serve the area;
      (5)   Electric power available;
      (6)   Fuels available for industrial and commercial use;
      (7)   Sewage disposal facilities;
      (8)   Water supply facilities;
      (9)   Community facilities such as fire, police and educational;
      (10)   Recreational facilities;
      (11)   Going wage rate in the city for the trades, skilled and semi-skilled and white collar workers;
      (12)   Availability of labor;
      (13)   General community attitude toward industrial and commercial expansion, development, redevelopment and attraction;
      (14)   Experience and programs of surrounding communities in regards to industrial and commercial expansion, development, redevelopment and attraction; and
      (15)   Financial and technical resources available to new and existing businesses at the local, county, state and national levels for economic expansion and vitality.
   (J)   Recommend Authority and Planning Commission policies and particular actions in regards to industrial and commercial expansion development, redevelopment and attraction;
   (K)   Cooperate with and use the services of the state’s Department of Trade and Economic Development, the state’s Housing Finance Authority and any other organizations at the national, state, county and local levels that are deemed conducive to the overall vitality of the city;
   (L)   The Commission shall have the power to appoint task forces of a size and nature it may deem necessary and may enlist the aid of persons and/or organizations who are not members of the Commission;
   (M)   The Commission shall have no power to make contracts, levy taxes, borrow money or condemn property, but shall have the full power and responsibility to investigate the necessity and recommend the taking of these and any other actions related to the industrial and commercial development and redevelopment by the Authority and all other officers of the city responsible to formulate the terms of and the procedure for taking the action; and
   (N)   Review the city’s existing housing stock analysis and make recommendations to the Authority regarding mechanisms for the rehabilitation of the housing stock.
(Prior Code, § 408.09) (Ord. 542, passed 06-27-1994)