(A)   Officers. At the first regular meeting in January, the Commission shall elect a vice chairperson from among its appointed members for a term of one year. The Commission may create and fill such other offices from its members, as it may determine, to transact Commission business.
   (B)   Regular meetings. Regular meetings shall be held for the purposes of convening public hearings and conducting business which requires a vote of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Commission shall hold at least one regular meeting each month on a day and at a time and a place which the Commission shall fix by resolution.
   (C)   Special meetings. Special meetings can be proposed during any regular meeting by any Commission member or at the request of the Director of Community Development, yet must be approved by a majority vote of the Commission. Emergency special meetings may be called via written notice to the Director of Community Development by the Chairperson or two Commission members, or by the Director of Community Development. The Director of Community Development shall post and mail a notice of any special meeting in accordance with state statutes.
   (D)   Quorum. A majority of the appointed voting Commission members shall constitute a quorum.
   (E)   Voting privileges. Each of the appointed members shall have equal voting privileges.
   (F)   Bylaws. The Commission shall adopt bylaws for its governance and for the transaction of its business. The bylaws shall be reviewed on an annual basis at the first regular meeting in February.
   (G)   Records. A recording secretary, who may be recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission for appointment, shall keep a record of attendance at Commission meetings and a record of resolutions, votes and abstentions on each question requiring a vote. The record of the Commission shall be a public record.
(Prior Code, § 401.06) (Ord. 536, passed 04-25-1994; Ord. 629, passed 05-10-1999; Ord. 933, passed 05-08-2017)