General Provisions
110.01 Interpretation
110.02 Definitions
110.03 Solicitation or acceptance of gifts
110.04 Peddling liquor prohibited
110.05 Public intoxication
Licensing Provisions
110.15 License required; exceptions
110.16 Restrictions
110.17 Application
110.18 Classifications and fees
110.19 (Reserved)
110.20 Number of licenses
110.21 Duration
110.22 Nature of license; renewal
110.23 Change of license
110.24 Display
110.25 Revocation
110.26 License by the hour
110.27 Dram Shop insurance
Sales and Purchasing
110.35 Sales of minors, drunkards, spendthrifts
110.36 Credit sales
110.37 Refilling original packages
110.38 Minimum size containers
110.39 Removal of liquor from premises
110.40 Underaged sales
Standards for Licensed Premises
110.50 Access to dwelling quarters from licensed premises
110.51 Sanitary conditions
110.52 Employees
110.53 Hours of operation
110.54 Use of words bar or saloon
Administration and Enforcement
110.65 Local Liquor Control Commissioner
110.66 Complaint of violations
110.67 Violations; responsibility of owners of premises
110.68 Acts of agent or employee