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General Provisions
   154.001   Title
   154.002   Statutory authority
   154.003   Purpose
   154.004   Jurisdiction
   154.005   Farm exemption
   154.006   (Reserved)
   154.007   Word usage and definitions
Establishment of Districts
   154.025   Use districts
   154.026   Districts boundaries
   154.027   Zoning map
   154.028   Interpretation of district boundaries
Use Districts
   154.045   Use requirements
   154.046   Corridor overlay district
   154.047   MR-30 residential district
   154.048   Water supply watershed protection overlay district
   154.049   (Reserved)
   154.050   (Reserved)
   154.051   (Reserved)
   154.052   (Reserved)
   154.053   (Reserved)
   154.054   (Reserved)
   154.055   MR-light industrial district
   154.056   (Reserved)
   154.057   MR-general business district
   154.058   MR-neighborhood commercial (Amended)
   154.059   (Reserved)
   154.060   (Reserved)
   154.061   (Reserved)
   154.062   (Reserved)
   154.063   (Reserved)
   154.064   (Reserved)
   154.065   MR-RR rural residential district
   154.066   MR-mixed use district
   154.067   MR-conditional zoning district
Special Provisions
   154.080   Single-family residential cluster development
   154.081   Planned residential development
   154.082   Multi-family development
   154.083   (Reserved)
   154.084   Medical, institutional care development
   154.085   Structured environment homes
   154.086   Site standards for certain uses in MR-MU district: tiny home parks, park model parks, and recreational vehicle parks
   154.087   Site standards for certain uses in MR-MU district and other districts as specifically required
   154.088   Application requirements for certain uses in MR-MU district and other districts as specifically required
   154.089   Solar energy generation facility site standards
Communication Towers
   154.090   Statutory authority; purpose
   154.091   Jurisdiction
   154.092   Tower groups
   154.093   Tower standards by group
   154.094   Application and process
   154.095   Discontinued use
   154.096   Continued compliance required
   154.097   Variances
   154.098   Revocation of permit
   154.099   Appeals
   154.100   Permit fees and expenses
   154.101   Penalty
General Regulations
   154.105   Nonconforming uses
   154.106   Off-street parking
   154.107   Off-street loading and unloading space
   154.108   Required yards and other spaces
   154.109   One principal building on a lot
   154.110   Conformity with regulations required
   154.111   Relationship of building to lot
   154.112   Accessory structures and buildings
   154.113   Vehicle graveyard or mobile/manufactured home graveyard as accessory uses
   154.114   Recreational vehicles
   154.115   Commercial waste container screening requirements
   154.116   Traffic impact analysis (TIA)
   154.117   Lighting standards
Exceptions and Modifications
   154.130   Waiver of requirements
   154.131   Existing lots
   154.132   Front yard setback
   154.133   Side yard setback
   154.134   Group developments
   154.135   Completion of buildings under construction
   154.136   Residence additions and accessory buildings
   154.137   Minor special use permits
   154.138   Major special use permits
   154.139   Temporary uses
   154.140   Acquisition of land for public purposes
Administration and Enforcement
   154.155   Zoning enforcement officer
   154.156   Zoning compliance permit
   154.157   Duration of permit
   154.158   Appeals
   154.159   Remedies
Zoning Board of Adjustment and Town Council
   154.175   Establishment of Zoning Board of Adjustment
   154.176   Proceedings of Zoning Board of Adjustment
   154.177   Decisions of Zoning Board of Adjustment
   154.178   Appeals of Zoning Board of Adjustment
   154.179   Powers and duties of Zoning Board of Adjustment
   154.180   Powers and duties of Mills River Town Council
   154.181   Appeals to court
   154.182   Notice requirements for quasi-judicial public hearings
   154.195   Authority of Mills River Town Council
   154.196   Initiation
   154.197   Application
   154.198   Planning Board action
   154.199   Legislative hearing
Conflict of Interest
   154.201   Conflict of interest requirements
Legal Status
   154.215   Conflict with other laws
   154.230   Landscape plan required
   154.231   (Reserved)
   154.232   Streets or perimeter planting beds
   154.233   Interior plantings
   154.234   Parking area landscaping for structures
   154.235   Exceptions
   154.236   Nonconforming parking areas
   154.237   Maintenance
   154.250   Purpose and intent
   154.251   General provisions/applicability
   154.252   Definitions
   154.253   Sign permit required
   154.254   Determination of sign copy area and sign height
   154.255   Sign illumination
   154.256   Construction standards
   154.257   Common Signage Plan for multi-unit developments or developments with more than one principal building
   154.258   Signs permitted in the MR- GB, MR-NC, MR-LI, and MR-MU zoning districts
   154.259   Signs for non-residential uses permitted in the MR-30 zoning district
   154.260   Changeable copy signs
   154.261   Signs exempt from obtaining a sign permit
   154.262   Extended use temporary signs
   154.263   Signs prohibited
   154.264   Subdivision and development signs
   154.265   Non-conforming signs
   154.266   Sign maintenance
   154.267   Dangerous or unsafe signs
   154.268   Enforcement
Architectural Design Guide Requirements
   154.270   (Reserved)
   154.999   Penalty