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   All parts of a , including the copy area, supports, braces, poles, wires, and other appurtenances of signs or   be kept in good repair and maintained in safe condition. Any deemed to be in a state of disrepair by this section be considered in violation of this chapter.
   (A)   A   be in a state of disrepair when more than 20% of its total surface area is covered with disfigured, cracked, ripped, or peeling paint or poster paper or any combination of these conditions.
   (B)   No   be allowed to stand with bent or broken facing, broken supports, loose appendages or struts which cause the to stand more than 15 degrees from the perpendicular.
   (C)   No or   be allowed to have weeds, vines, or other vegetation growing on it and obscuring it from the or highway from which it is intended to be viewed.
   (D)   No illuminated sign be allowed to stand with only partial illumination operational. All illuminated signs must comply with § 154.255.
   (E)   Unlawful cutting of trees or shrubs. No person may, for the purpose of increasing or enhancing the visibility of any , damage, trim, destroy or remove any trees, shrubs or other vegetation located within a public right-of-way of any road or highway except as required by the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The Administrator may use discretion in determining alternative forms of compliance for landscaping in situations where visibility is affected.
(Ord. 2017-07, passed 11-10-2017)