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   (A)   Signs that were erected and were in place prior to the adoption of this but which do not conform to the provisions of this chapter are declared non-conforming signs. Signs that were erected and that are in place and which conformed to the provisions of this at the time erected, but which do not conform to an amendment of this enacted subsequent to the erection of said signs are also declared non-conforming signs. Any erected after the passage of this chapter must meet all criteria within this chapter.
   (B)   A non-conforming may be continued but not be:
      (1)   Changed or replaced with another non-conforming , except that copy may be changed.
      (2)   Expanded or modified in any way which increases the sign's non-conformity or adds illumination.
      (3)   Moved except to bring the into conformity.
      (4)   Re-established once the has been removed.
      (5)   Re-established after the has been damaged as defined in § 154.268.
      (6)   Re-established after it has been discontinued regardless of reason or intent for 180 days or more.
(Ord. 2017-07, passed 11-10-2017)