904.01 Short title.
904.02 Definitions.
904.03 Forester.
904.04 Responsibilities of Director of Public Service, Forester and City Planner.
904.05 Master Tree Plan.
904.06 Tree species to be planted.
904.07 Spacing.
904.08 Distance from curbs and sidewalks.
904.09 Distance from street corners and fire hydrants.
904.10 Distance from utility wires and lines.
904.11 Care of public trees.
904.12 Removal and replacement of public trees for construction or other reasons.
904.13 Topping of public trees.
904.14 Pruning of trees on private property.
904.15 Abuse of public trees.
904.16 Depositing of injurious materials near public trees.
904.17 Protection of public trees during construction.
904.18 Pruning of public trees by public utility companies.
904.19 Waiving of chapter requirements during emergencies.
904.20 Moving of buildings and objects.
904.21 Interference with Public Service Department personnel.
904.22 Licensing of tree services; requirements; exceptions.
904.23 Donations for care and maintenance of public trees.
904.24 Tree Fund Account.
904.25 Review by Council.
904.26 Appeals.
904.27 Program to plant street trees on front lawns of private properties.
904.99 Penalty; equitable remedies.
Authority of municipalities re trees - see Ohio R.C. 715.20
Dutch elm disease - see Ohio R.C. 927.39 to 927.42
Destruction of trees - see GEN. OFF. 642.06
Trimming, removal of trees - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 668