As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth in this section:
   (a)   "Diameter at breast height" (DBH) shall mean a tree's diameter in inches, measured by a diameter tape at four and one-half feet from the surface of the ground. On trees having multiple stems, the largest diameter stem will be measured.
   (b)   “Drip line” shall mean the approximately circular vertical extension to the ground of the outermost branches and/or leaves of a tree as an indication of the spread of the root system.
   (c)   "Large trees" are designated as those attaining a height of forty-five feet or more.
   (d)   "Medium trees" are designated as those attaining a height of thirty to forty-five feet.
   (e)   "Parks" shall include any City-owned public spaces designated for recreation and/or conservation.
   (f)   "Property line" shall mean the legal boundary line between private and City-owned land.
   (g)   "Property owner" shall mean the person owning property as shown by the County Auditor's Plat of Cuyahoga County, State of Ohio.
   (h)   "Public site" shall include any other ground owned by the City.
   (i)   "Public trees" shall include all trees now or hereafter growing on any street, park or other City-owned property.
   (j)   "Remove" or "removal" shall mean the removal of all above and below-ground parts of a tree, including the stump and roots.
   (k)   "Small trees" are designated as those under thirty feet in height.
   (l)   "Street," "alleys," "highways" or "ways" shall mean the entire width of every public way or right-of-way when any part thereof is open to the use of the public, as a matter of right, for purposes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
   (m)   "Tree" shall mean:
      (1)   Any living woody plant, with needles or scale-type leaves, that has a well defined stem or stems, with a diameter of at least six inches at four and one-half feet from the surface of the ground.
      (2)   Any living, self-supporting woody broadleaf plant, that has a well defined stem or stems, with a diameter of at least two inches at four and one-half feet from the surface of the ground.
      (3)   Any living self-supporting woody plant, that has a well defined stem or stems, which has been intentionally cultivated and established.
   (n)   "Tree lawn" shall mean that part of a street not covered by a sidewalk or other paving, lying between the property line and that portion of the street usually used for vehicular traffic. (Ord. 1996-25. Passed 4-23-96.)