No person shall fight or bait, conspire to fight or bait, or keep, train, or transport for the purpose of fighting or baiting any animal.
(Ord. 1327, passed 2-20-08) Penalty, see § 91.99
(A) No person, firm, corporation, or association shall take or trap any animal within the corporate limits of the city outside of the A2 Agricultural District unless authorized in writing by the City of Marseilles Police Department.
(B) The provisions of this section shall not apply to:
(1) The use of any trap specifically designed to kill rats, mice, gophers or moles; or
(2) The use of cage type live traps employed for the control of nuisance animals, as long as approved by the Police Department and so long as the traps are tended each 12 hours.
(Ord. 1327, passed 2-20-08) Penalty, see § 91.99
(A) Purpose. This section shall only apply to an R2 District under the city Zoning Ordinance, and is created for the purpose of allowing an R2 resident to keep laying chickens for personal egg consumption or to keep chickens as pets. The purpose of this section is not to create regulations for the commercial sale or distribution of chickens or eggs. For the purposes of this section, the term CHICKEN includes only hens because the keeping of any rooster is prohibited in an R2 District.
(B) Conditions for keeping chickens. The keeping of chickens in an R2 District is prohibited without a permit, and unless compliance with all of the conditions required by this section are maintained. A permit shall allow a maximum of five chickens with no roosters.
(1) A chicken coop and chicken run shall be required where chickens are kept. All chicken coops shall provide both an inside covered enclosure and an adjacent outside fenced area, or chicken run, of not less than 32 square feet. The chicken run shall be appropriately fenced to prevent the chickens from leaving the run.
(2) The chicken coop and chicken run shall accommodate all chickens permitted on the property, may only be located in the rear yard, and must be outside of the minimum street setback requirements for accessory structures in the R2 District.
(3) The chicken coop and chicken run shall be a minimum distance of ten feet from the nearest property line.
(4) The chicken coop shall be 200 square feet or less, with side dimensions of no more than 20 feet;
(5) One or more chickens may only be located on a lot containing at least one residence that is occupied.
(6) Free range chickens are not permitted. For the purpose of this section, FREE RANGE CHICKENS are defined as chickens that are not restrained by a chicken coop or chicken run, as permitted and approved pursuant to this section.
(7) Chicken feed shall be kept in a predator-proof/rodent- proof container.
(8) Waste material must be disposed of in a manner that will not cause odor, or attract flies or vermin.
(9) All areas where chickens are kept shall be maintained to be neat and clean and free of undue accumulation of waste such as to prevent odors detectable on adjacent property.
(10) No chicken(s) shall be maintained that produce noise loud enough to disturb the peace of persons in surrounding properties.
(11) The owner or occupant of the lot where chickens are located shall ensure that their birds are cared for properly when ill, and disposed of in a manner that does not endanger the public health and safety when their hens or chicks die.
(12) The slaughtering of chickens in the R2 District is hereby prohibited.
(13) No chickens may be kept or maintained to be used for the purpose of fighting.
(14) The Zoning Enforcement Officer and Police Department may inspect the conditions where the chickens are kept at any time.
(15) The construction of the chicken coop and/or run is subject to the city Zoning Code and the review of the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
(C) Application procedures for acquiring chickens.
(1) The applicant shall submit to the City Clerk a chicken registration application and a $25 application fee. The chicken registration application shall include a drawing, illustrating the location and layout of the proposed chicken coop and chicken run, and indicating the number of chickens to be allowed.
(2) The Police Department shall review the chicken registration application.
(a) If the application and proposed plans are satisfactory, the Police Department shall inform the Zoning Enforcement Officer, who shall approve the site of the coop and run prior to construction.
(b) If the application is not complete or the proposed plans for the chicken coop and run are found to be unsatisfactory, the applicant will be informed of defects and given an opportunity to rectify defects.
(3) The permit holder shall be required to annually renew their permit by June 1.
(a) An annual permit fee of $25 shall be required.
(b) Failure to timely renew could result in the city’s revocation of the permit.
(D) Fines and penalties. Any person, firm, or corporation that violates any provision of this section, shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine according the Uniform Fine Schedule in § 10.99, and their license shall be revoked for a period of one year.
(Ord. 1546, passed 6-18-14)
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this chapter shall be fined according to the Uniform Fine Schedule in § 10.99.
(Ord. 1327, passed 2-20-08)