Chap. 703.     Emergency Medical Services and Transport.
      Chap. 711.     Carnivals and Circuses.
      Chap. 715.     Cable Television. (Repealed)
      Chap. 721.     Going-Out-of-Business Sales.
      Chap. 727.     Health Spas.
      Chap. 729.     Home Sales.
      Chap. 737.     Peddlers, Solicitors and Canvassers.
      Chap. 739.     Places of Public Entertainment.
      Chap. 745.     Refuse Collectors.
      Chap. 751.     Taxicabs.
      Chap. 753.     Transporting Evergreens.
      Chap. 755.     Emergency Alarms.
      Chap. 759.     Permits for Vending Devices in the Central Business District.
      Chap. 761.     Sexually Oriented Businesses.
      Chap. 763.    Towing.
      Chap. 765.   Home Value and Family Protection.
      Chap. 767 . Donation Boxes.
      Chap. 769 . Medical Marijuana.
Emergency Medical Services and Transport
703.01   Definitions.
703.02   License required.
703.03   Application for license; renewal.
703.04   License issuance; expiration; transfer.
703.05   Compliance standards for licensee.
703.06   Noncompliance/suspension/revocation/non-renewal of license.
703.07   Exceptions.
703.99   Penalty.
      Report of unusual or violent deaths - see Ohio R.C. 313.12
      Joint ambulance districts - see Ohio R.C. 505.71 et seq.
      Emergency medical service - see Ohio R.C. 4731.82 et seq.
      Vehicle operation at stop sign or signal - see TRAF. 331.20
      Right of way - see TRAF. 331.21
      Speed - see TRAF. 333.06
      Pedestrians to yield to - see TRAF. 371.08
      False reports - see GEN. OFF. 509.07
   703.01 DEFINITIONS.
   (a)   "Person" includes the singular and the plural and shall also include any person, firm, corporation, association, partnership, profit or nonprofit, society or any other organization whether acting together for a common purpose or otherwise.
   (b)   "Emergency Medical Technician-Basic" (EMT-B); "Emergency Medical Technician-Intermediate" (EMT-I); "Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic" (EMT-P); "Emergency Medical Service" and "ambulance" are defined herein by reference to and in accordance with Ohio R.C. 4765.01, all of which are incorporated herein by reference.
   (c)   "Ohio Board of Pharmacy" means the licensing agency for controlled drugs in the State of Ohio.
   (d)   "Ohio Department of Public Safety" means the licensing agency in the State of Ohio for all EMT-B's, EMT-I’s and EMT-P's.
   (e)   "Ohio Emergency Medical Services Board" means the board created in conjunction with the Ohio Emergency Medical Services Agency which deals with matters concerning standards for EMS operators within the State.
   (f)   “Ohio Medial Transportation Board” means the licensing agency in the State of Ohio for private ambulance service organizations, private non-emergency medical service organizations and private air medical service organizations.
   (g)   "Vehicle" means the following:
      (1)   Basic life support (BLS) unit means any ambulance equipped and staffed with two attendants each having a minimum certification of EMT-B.
      (2)   Advanced life support (ALS) unit means an ambulance equipped and staffed with two attendants of which at least one shall be a certified paramedic and the other shall have a minimum certification of EMT-B, for any emergency in the field.
      (3)   Mobile intensive care (MIC) unit means an ambulance equipped and staffed with one registered nurse with a current ACLS provider certification and critical care experience, one paramedic and another person with minimum certification of EMT-B for providing intensive care and transport.
   (h)   "Rescue squad" means an ambulance-type vehicle operated by the Mansfield Fire Department personnel who, while primarily trained as firefighters, are additionally trained as EMT's for the purpose of providing prehospital emergency care and providing patient transport. A rescue squad vehicle, in addition to being equipped as either a BLS or ALS unit, is also equipped with extraction tools used to remove victims from traffic or industrial accidents. A rescue squad is minimally manned by two firefighters who are EMT-B or better qualified.
(Ord. 12-103. Passed 6-5-12.)
   No person or ambulance service shall furnish, conduct, operate, maintain, advertise as engaging in, propose or profess to engage in the business or service of providing EMS to persons who are sick, injured or otherwise incapacitated in the City for purposes of emergency, pre- hospital care unless that service first obtains a license as set forth in this chapter. Providers of non-emergency invalid/patient transport shall also comply with the licensing provisions set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 12-103. Passed 6-5-12.)