Chap. 1501. Mansfield Fire Prevention Code.
         Chap. 1502 . Permits and Fees.
         Chap. 1505. Aboveground Flammable Liquid Tanks.
         Chap. 1511. Open Burning.
         Chap. 1519. Fireworks.
         Chap. 1525. General Provisions.
Mansfield Fire Prevention Code
1501.01    Adoption.
1501.02    Title.
1501.03    Purpose.
1501.04    Application.
1501.05    Copies.
1501.06    Responsibility.
1501.07    Compliance.
1501.08    Fire Prevention and Arson Bureau; enforcement.
1501.09    Orders to eliminate dangerous or hazardous conditions.
1501.10    Unsafe buildings.
1501.11    Evacuations.
1501.12    Unlawful continuance.
1501.13    Notice of violation or order for correction.
1501.14    Compliance with orders.
1501.15    Citations and notices of hearing.
1501.16    Posting arson laws.
1501.17    Setting fires which spread.
1501.18    Unfriendly fires in buildings; alarm duties.
1501.19    Disclosure of true Fire Safety Inspector status.
1501.20    Fire equipment sale or use; certification of installers.
1501.21    Conflict.
1501.99    Penalties.
      See sectional histories for similar State law
      Appeals of orders - see Ohio R.C. 119.12
      State certification of firefighters - see Ohio R.C. 737.08,
         737.22, 3737.33
      State certification of Fire Safety Inspectors - see Ohio R.C.
         3737.01(C), 3737.34
      Fire investigation - see Ohio R.C. 737.27, 3737.24 et seq.
      Entry and inspection - see Ohio R.C. 737.34 et seq., 3737.14,
         3737.41, 3737.42
      Common Pleas Court jurisdiction - see Ohio R.C. 3737.44(A),
      Ohio Fire Code - see Ohio R.C. 3737.82 et seq.; OAC Ch.
         1301:7-1 et seq.
      Fire extinguishing and alarm systems in rest and nursing homes -
         see Ohio R.C. 3721.071
      Self-service filling stations - see Ohio R.C. 3741.14
      Fireworks - see Ohio R.C. 3743.27, 3743.32 et seq.
   1501.01 ADOPTION.
   The Ohio Fire Code, as amended periodically, is incorporated fully into the City of Mansfield Fire Prevention Code, save and except for such parts which have been herein amended, as if set out at length herein. The Ohio Fire Code, for which the designation "OFC" may be substituted, contains Chapters 1301:7-7 of the Ohio Administrative Code.
   The minimum requirements of the OFC, as adopted above, shall be the basis of the City of Mansfield Fire Prevention Code except that more restrictive requirements may be imposed by the Mansfield Fire Prevention Code and shall be as hereinafter set forth.
(Ord. 21-249. Passed 12-21-21.)
   1501.02 TITLE.
   The rules set forth herein shall be known as the Mansfield Fire Prevention Code and hereinafter referred to as the Mansfield Fire Prevention Code or this Code.
(Ord. 21-249. Passed 12-21-21.)