General Provisions
92.01 Definitions
92.02 Animal Control Warden; enforcement
92.03 Pound or animal control facility
92.04 Cruelty to animals prohibited
92.05 Keeping animals other than domestic pets
92.06 Livestock yards or structures
92.07 Keeping of dangerous animals prohibited
92.08 Keeping of vicious animals prohibited
Specific Provisions
92.20 Killing a dangerous or vicious animal
92.21 Diseased animals
92.22 Disturbing the peace
92.23 Exposing dead animals to view
92.24 Animals running at large; impoundment
92.25 Removal of excrement
92.26 Holding for reward strayed or stolen animals
92.27 Animal nuisance
92.28 Stray animals
92.29 Notice of impoundment
92.30 Redemption
92.31 Disposition when unredeemed
92.32 Monthly reports; disposition of fees
92.99 Penalty
General village administrative provisions, see Chapter 30 of this code of ordinances