General Provisions
   37.001   Adopting the multi-hazard mitigation plan for the county
   37.002   Meetings and travel expenses
   37.003   Nepotism and contracting with a unit policies
   37.004   Adoption of the notice provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Tort Claims Against Town
   37.015   Clerk-Treasurer to receive notice
   37.016   Form and service of notice
Drug Free Workplace
   37.030   Overview
   37.031   Policy
   37.032   Prohibited drugs
   37.033   Alcohol
   37.034   Reporting violations
   37.035   Employee rehabilitation
   37.036   Testing
Substance Abuse Policy
   37.050   Coverage
   37.051   Policy
   37.052   Pre-employment substance screening
   37.053   Employee responsibilities
   37.054   Substance screening for current employees
   37.055   Consequences of sale, distribution or use of illegal substances
   37.056   Use of medication and prescription drugs
   37.057   Confidentiality
Personnel Policy
   37.070   Application
   37.071   Employment and compensation
   37.072   Work environment
   37.073   Drug use
   37.074   Code of ethics and conduct
   37.075   Work practices
   37.076   Environmental crimes and penalties
   37.077   Leave of absence
   37.078   Sick day
   37.079   Personal day
   37.080   Vacation
   37.081   Meal/rest breaks
   37.082   Holidays
   37.083   Payroll
   37.084   Termination of employment
   37.085   Employee education
   37.086   Mileage
   37.087   What constitutes full-time employment
   37.088   Exceptions to policy