(Amended by Ord. No. 168,782, Eff. 7/12/93.)
(a) No person shall dust, wipe, wash or otherwise clean, or use or employ any method of dusting, wiping, washing or otherwise cleaning, any vehicle or portion thereof while on any street unless such vehicle is owned by or under the direct control or supervision of the person doing any of the acts herein enumerated.
(b) No person shall park a vehicle on any street for the purpose of dusting, wiping, washing or otherwise cleaning such vehicle or portion thereof unless it is owned by or under the direct control or supervision of such person.
(Added by Ord. No. 169,785, Eff. 6/9/94.)
No person shall park a vehicle on any street or upon any public or private property which while so parked emits sound from an audible status indicator. As used in this section, an audible status indicator is a component of a vehicle theft alarm system which emits a chirp, voice message or other sound audible outside the vehicle for a duration of more than one minute for the purpose of warning an approaching person that a vehicle theft alarm system is installed and armed or operational. The time period shall be calculated from the point in time of the emission of the first audible sound used in calculation and shall end one minute thereafter, not withstanding any variation or temporary stoppage in the emission of audible sound.
In the event enforcement of a violation occurs under this section, no enforcement action shall be taken under Section 114.07 of the Municipal Code for the same violation.
(a) The Department is hereby authorized to determine those streets in the City of Los Angeles which have a grade exceeding three per cent and upon which a hazardous condition would be created unless unattended motor vehicles were parked by blocking the wheels of said vehicles by turning them against the curb, or by other means. When such determination has been made, the Department is hereby authorized and directed to cause appropriate signs to be posted and maintained on such streets. (Amended by Ord. No. 134,523, Eff. 7/17/67.)
(b) When signs are erected in places giving notice thereof, no person driving, or in control of, a motor vehicle shall permit it to stand on any street or highway unattended when upon any grade exceeding three per cent (3%) within any business or residence district without blocking the wheels of said vehicle by turning them against the curb, or by other means.
(a) Authority of Commissioners. The Commissioners are hereby authorized to adopt rules regulating parking or other use of vehicles upon the streets and other public ways of travel whenever they deem it necessary to meet an emergency not expressly provided for under any other provisions of this chapter; provided, however, that in any such case, the resolution adopting any such rule shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in this city and shall thereupon become effective; and provided further that no rule so adopted shall remain in force longer than thirty days unless incorporated into an ordinance.
(b) Emergency Signs – Installation Authorized. The Commissioners are hereby authorized to install such signs as they may deem necessary to give notice of the effect of any such emergency rule at any particular occasion.
(c) Violation Prohibited. It shall be a misdemeanor, punishable as elsewhere provided in this chapter, for any person to operate, park, or otherwise use any vehicle in violation of any emergency rule adopted and published by the Commissioners pursuant to the authority granted by this section, or in violation of the instructions of any sign installed hereunder.