(Added by Ord. No. 170,068, Eff. 11/18/94.)
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation, association or cooperative to operate, maintain, drive or park any vehicle, as defined in Section 71.00, on any street, roadway, thoroughfare, highway or public right-of-way within the boundaries of the City of Los Angeles without a permit or business license granted or issued for the operation of the specified vehicle by an authorized governmental entity in the State of California.
(b) Violation of this section will subject the violator to impoundment of the unlawful vehicle by the City of Los Angeles and is deemed a misdemeanor.
(c) Whenever any peace officer, public officer or employee of the City of Los Angeles arrests any person for violation of this section, the officer or employee shall impound and retain possession of any vehicle used in violation of this section until a court of competent jurisdiction or an officer or employee of the City of Los Angeles shall release said vehicle.
(Added by Ord. No. 187,416, Eff. 3/2/22.)
A Taxi App Operator shall obtain a permit from the Department to provide its services to a City permitted Taxicab Operator. For purposes of this section, a Taxi App Operator means a person, company or other entity that provides and/or operates a software based taxicab hail and/or dispatch system, which allows a taxicab user to electronically order a taxicab on demand using a smart phone, or other mobile or electronic device. A Taxi App Operator shall comply with all terms and conditions set forth in the Department issued permit and the Board Rules. The Department shall have the authority to suspend or revoke a permit for a violation of either a permit term or condition, or for a violation of a Board rule. A Taxi App Operator whose permit has been suspended or revoked by the Department may appeal the suspension or revocation of its permit to the Board subject to the appeals process set forth in the Board Rules. A City permitted Taxicab Operator who conducts its own in-house taxi app operation shall comply with all permit terms and conditions and Board Rules governing the use of a taxi app, and be subject to the same penalties as listed above for a violation of permit terms or Board Rules.
(Amended by Ord. No. 173,901, Eff. 5/31/01.)
(a) No person shall drive a private ambulance as defined in Section 71.00 without first having obtained an ambulance driver permit from the Board.
(b) No person shall drive a non-ambulatory passenger vehicle as defined in Section 71.00 without first having obtained a non-ambulatory passenger vehicle driver permit from the Board.
(c) No person shall drive or operate a taxicab as defined in Section 71.00 without first having obtained a taxicab driver permit from the Board.
(d) No person shall drive or operate any other type of vehicle defined in Section 71.00 without first having obtained a driver permit from the Board.
No person shall act as a non-ambulatory passenger vehicle attendant in a non-ambulatory passenger vehicle as defined in § 71.00 unless such person holds a non- ambulatory passenger vehicle attendant permit or an ambulance attendant permit from the Board. (Added by Ord. No. 154,996, Eff. 4/26/81.)
(Title Amended by Ord. No. 165,491, Eff. 3/19/90.)
(a) Applicants for vehicle permits shall file with the department an application upon forms provided by the department, containing such information as is required by the rules and regulations of the Board. (Amended by Ord. No. 149,526, Eff. 5/21/77.)
(b) A Taxicab Operator shall pay an annual taxicab vehicle permit fee, in the amount specified in Section 71.06.1, for each vehicle put into operation during the calendar year. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,416, Eff. 3/2/22.)
(c) Each application for a new, or renewal vehicle permit, other than a taxicab, shall be accompanied by a non-refundable filing fee in the amount specified in Section 71.06.1 for each vehicle covered by the application. (Amended by Ord. No. 180,541, Eff. 3/28/09.)
If the application is for a permit to operate a vehicle, other than a taxicab that is inspected at least annually by another governmental agency, then the non-refundable Vehicle Permit processing fee for such vehicle shall be reduced by $25.00.
If the application is for a permit to use a vehicle, other than a taxicab or non-motorized vehicle, for a period not exceeding 30 days, as a substitute for a vehicle for which a permit is in full force and effect, no processing fee shall be required. If the application is for a temporary permit in excess of 30 days, it shall be accompanied by a non-refundable processing fee of $50.00 for each vehicle covered by such application. Temporary permits, other than for taxicabs or non-motorized vehicles, will not be issued for a period in excess of 60 days.
(d) Any money due to the Department of Transportation by any applicant for a vehicle permit, including money owed for outstanding parking tickets or other fines assessed by the Department, must first be paid, or the matter otherwise resolved to the satisfaction of the Department, prior to the issuance of such permit. (Amended by Ord. No. 166,534, Eff. 1/31/91.)
(Amended by Ord. No. 173,901, Eff. 5/31/01.)
Every applicant for a driver permit or an attendant permit shall file with the Department an application upon a form furnished by the Department, containing such information as is required by the rules and regulations of the Board. Any money due the Department of Transportation by any applicant for a driver or attendant permit including money owed for outstanding parking tickets or other fines assessed by the Department, must be paid, or the matter otherwise resolved to the satisfaction of the Department, prior to the issuance of such permit. Every application for a driver permit or an attendant permit shall be accompanied by a non refundable processing fee in the amount specified in Section 71.06.1 or Section 71.06.2.
Each applicant for a taxicab driver permit must also be issued an identification badge and shall pay a non refundable processing fee in the amount specified in Section 71.06.1.
Every application for a driver permit for a non- motorized vehicle shall be accompanied by a non refundable processing fee in the amount specified in Section 71.06.1.
The Board may require an applicant to furnish via live-scan capture or on forms prescribed by the Board, the fingerprints of the applicant. A non refundable fingerprint processing fee in the amount specified in Section 71.06.1, which is in addition to the application processing fee, shall accompany the application for which fingerprint processing is required.
Upon approval of the application, the Department shall issue to the permittee a conditional permit in the form prescribed by the Board, pending receipt of applicant’s criminal history record. If such record proves to be satisfactory to the Department, the permit issued shall no longer be considered conditional.