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   (Added by Ord. No. 187,715, Eff. 1/23/23.)
   (a)   Department of Transportation Authority. The Department shall implement a Personal Delivery Device Pilot Program (Program) and may issue a permit to a qualified pilot program operator (Operator), as defined in the Department’s Rules and Guidelines (Rules). Under the Program, an Operator of a Personal Delivery Device (PDD) shall obtain a permit from the Department and comply with the Rules, and all terms and conditions, regulations, and indemnification, insurance, and fee requirements set forth in the permit. For purposes of this section, a PDD is an automated or remotely piloted device containing storage space for packages, food, and other delivery items. Failure of an Operator to comply with the Rules or any term or condition set forth in the permit may result in the suspension or revocation of the permit, or a reduction in the number of PDDs that an Operator is allowed to deploy as authorized by the Department under the terms of its permit. The Department shall have the authority to amend its Rules as necessary during the life of the Program.
   (b)   Enforcement Authority. The Department, the Los Angeles Police Department, and the Bureau of Street Services may enforce any violation of this Code or state law by an Operator in the deployment of a PDD on a sidewalk, crosswalk, or other public right-of-way in the City.