(Art. 1, Title, Amended by Ord. No. 161,249, Eff. 6/20/86.)
71.00 Scope and Definitions.
71.01 Authority of Board to Adopt Rules.
71.01.1 Authority of Designated Employees of the Department of Transportation to Make Arrests and Issue Citations.
71.01.2 Authority of Designated Employees of the Department of Transportation to Have Access to Summary Criminal History Information.
71.02 Operation of Vehicles – Permits Required.
71.02.1 Suspension of Taxicab Permit.
71.02.2 Monetary Penalties for Taxicab Operators.
71.02.3 Use of Public Rights-of-way.
71.02.4 Operation of Taxi Apps – Permits Required.
71.03 Driving of Vehicles – Permits Required.
71.04 Ambulance Attendants – Permits Required.
71.04.1 Non-ambulatory Passenger Vehicle Attendants – Permits Required.
71.05 Application and Annual or Monthly Fee for Vehicle Permits.
71.06 Application for Driver and Ambulance Attendant Permits.
71.06.1 Application Processing and Other Fees.
71.06.2 Fees for Services Provided Outside of Normal Working Hours.
71.06.3 Review of Fees for Service.
71.07 The Board’s Power to Revoke or Suspend Driver, Attendant, or Vehicle Permits.
71.08 Grounds for Denial, Revocation, Suspension or Cancellation of Permit.
71.09 Procedures for Denial, Revocation, Suspension or Cancellation of Permits by the General Manager or the General Manager’s Authorized Representative.
71.09.1 Rehearing.
71.09.2 Monetary Penalties for Driver, Vehicle and Attendant Permittees.
71.10 Regulations During Suspension Period.
71.11 Duration and Renewal of Permits.
71.14 Insurance or Bond Required.
71.15 Contracts Between Owners and Employees.
71.16 Taxicab Identification.
71.16.1 Vehicle Identification.
71.17 Licenses.
71.18 Permitted Vehicle Zones.
71.19 Vehicle Signs.
71.20 Disclosure of Taxicab Fares, Fees, or Rates.
71.20.1 Taxicab Advertising Displays.
71.21 Other Signs – Permit Required.
71.22 Taximeters.
71.23 Circuitous Routes.
71.24 Excess Charges.
71.25 Authority of Board to Establish Rates.
71.26 Transportation Regulation and Enforcement Trust Fund.
71.27 Inspection of Limousine Waybills.
71.28 Compensation to Gain Access to Passengers.
71.29 Regulation of Shared Mobility Devices.
71.29.1 Provider and Device Fees.
71.29.2 Rules.
71.29.3 Violations and Notice of Violations.
71.29.4 Requests for Administrative Hearing and Appeal.
71.30 Regulation of Personal Delivery Devices.
71.31 Restrictions on Electric Bicycle, Motorized Scooter, and Other Mobility Device Rentals at Venice Beach.
(Amended by Ord. No. 170,068, Eff. 11/18/94.)
Scope. The provisions of this chapter apply when the provisions are not in conflict with any paramount regulations by the state or nation.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases are defined and shall be construed as hereinafter set out, unless it shall be apparent from the context that they have a different meaning:
“Automobile-For-Hire” shall mean every automobile, other than taxicabs, used for prearranged transportation of passengers over the streets of this City and not over a defined route within the boundary limits of said City at rates per mile, per trip, per hour, per day, per week or per month. Such vehicle shall not be equipped with a taximeter or facsimile thereof, shall not display advertisements or possess a top light, is not required to display a company logo or maintain a two-way radio and is not permitted to solicit passengers from City streets, sidewalks or other public areas.
“Board” shall mean the Board of Taxicab Commissioners of this City exclusively with regard to all taxicab rules and regulations, and “Board” shall mean the Board of Transportation Commissioners of this City exclusively with regard to all other vehicle rules and regulations other than taxicab matters. (Amended by Ord. No. 172,023, Eff. 6/26/98.)
“Department” shall mean the Department of Transportation of this City.
“Driver” shall mean every person who drives or is in actual physical control of a vehicle defined in this section, either as an agent, employee or otherwise.
“Motor Bus” shall mean every automobile, jitney bus, stage and autostage, and every other motor-propelled vehicle owned, controlled, operated and managed for public use in the transportation of persons over any public street in the City of Los Angeles, and into which passengers are received and from which passengers are discharged along the route traversed by such vehicle, provided that other vehicles defined herein shall not be deemed included in said term.
“Non-ambulatory Passenger Vehicle” shall mean every motor vehicle specially constructed, modified, equipped, or arranged for the purpose of transporting passengers in litters or wheelchairs on a non-emergency basis, used for the purpose of serving the public, and driven by any person other than a governmental agency, whether or not the transportation extends beyond the City limits and whether or not any fee, compensation, or consideration is charged, paid, or received for such transportation.
“Non-motorized Vehicle” shall mean every vehicle for hire powered by people or animal whether pulled, drawn, pushed or pedaled, and used for the transportation of passengers over streets or ways of the City. The Board shall determine the suitability of streets and pickup zones to be permitted for use, the hours of operation, insurance requirements and other restrictions for non-motorized vehicle service.
“Operator” shall mean any person or corporation who conducts or manages a business using the vehicles defined in Section 71.00.
“Private Ambulance” shall mean every vehicle equipped with a siren and specially constructed, modified, equipped or arranged for the purpose of transporting sick, injured, convalescent, infirm or otherwise incapacitated persons, used for the purpose of serving the public, and driven by any person other than governmental agency.
“Public Transportation Vehicle” shall mean every automobile or motor propelled vehicle, not otherwise defined in this section, used for the transportation of passengers over streets of this City, whether or not the transportation extends beyond the City and whether or not any fee, compensation or consideration of any character is charged, paid or received for such transportation.
“School Bus” shall mean every motor vehicle used for the transportation of pupils to or from any school or institution of learning, or to or from school activities, over the streets of this City, irrespective of whether such operations extend beyond the boundary limits of this City, and regardless of whether or not any fee, compensation or consideration is paid for such transportation, except the following vehicles:
1. A motor vehicle of the pleasure type carrying only members of the household and the guests of the owner thereof;
2. A motor vehicle while being operated by or under contract with the Board of Education.
“Sightseeing Automobile” shall mean every automobile or motor propelled vehicle used for the transportation of passengers over streets of this City, irrespective of whether such operations extend beyond the boundary limits of this City, for sightseeing purposes or showing points of interest and charging a fee or compensation therefor, regardless of whether any fee, compensation or consideration is paid to the driver of such sightseeing automobile by the passenger or by the owner, or by the person who employs or contracts with the driver, or charters such sightseeing automobile with a driver to transport or convey any passenger, and irrespective of whether or not such driver receives any fee or compensation for the services.
“Taxicab” shall mean every automobile or motor propelled vehicle which is designed to carry not more than eight persons, excluding the driver, and either is equipped with a taximeter or a top light or has the words “taxi”, “cab” or “taxicab” displayed on the exterior of the vehicle, and used for the transportation of passengers for hire over the streets of this City, irrespective of whether the operations extend beyond the boundary limits of said City, at rates for distance traveled, or for zones, or for waiting, standby or traffic delay time, or for any combination of such rates, and not operating over a defined route but routed under the direction of such passengers or persons hiring the same.
“Taxicab Operator” shall mean a person, owner, taxicab service company, taxicab vehicle permittee, corporation, cooperative, association, firm, partnership, membership organization, or other entity engaged in the business of operating a taxicab service. It also includes: (1) the management and officers of the Taxicab Operator; and (2) receivers or trustees appointed by any court. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,416, Eff. 3/2/22.)
“Taximeter” shall mean a device that automatically calculates at predetermined rate or rates, and indicates the charge for hire of a vehicle.
“Zone” shall mean a place established by the Department and designated as a zone for the use while waiting employment of any vehicle defined in Section 71.00 or operated in passenger transportation service by authority of the California Public Utilities Commission.
(Amended by Ord. No. 187,416, Eff. 3/2/22.)
The Board shall have the power to adopt and enforce such rules and regulations as may be necessary to implement the purposes of this article to the extent that such rules and regulations are not preempted by, or in conflict with, any federal or state law, or any ordinance or resolution adopted by the City Council. Such rules and regulations may include, but are not limited to, the following: rules and regulations pertaining to the service, safety, and operation of the vehicles defined in this article; rules and regulations prescribing limitations, conditions, and qualifications of applicants for vehicle permits, driver permits, and ambulance attendant permits; rules and regulations relating to hearings conducted pursuant to Section 71.09 of this article; and rules and regulations specifying the monetary penalties and the procedures to collect the penalties that may be levied against an operating permit, vehicle permit, driver permit and attendant permit grantee pursuant to Sections 71.02.2 and 71.09.2 of this article. The Board shall also adopt and enforce all such requirements set forth in California Government Code Section 53075.5(b), pertaining to local regulation of taxicab transportation services.
(Amended by Ord. No. 173,901, Eff. 5/31/01.)
(a) The Taxicab Administrator and the Senior Transportation Engineer assigned to franchise regulation functions shall have the power, authority and immunity of a public officer or employee, as set forth in the Penal Code of the State of California, Section 836.5, to make arrests without a warrant whenever the Taxicab Administrator or Senior Transportation Engineer has reasonable cause to believe that the person to be arrested has committed a misdemeanor or an infraction in their presence which is a violation of this article, or of any ordinance of the City of Los Angeles or penal law of the State relating to such matters as public transportation and parking control, and, in addition, all violations set forth in Section 80.01.1.
(b) The Chief Transportation Investigators, Senior Transportation Investigators and Transportation Investigators shall have the immunity, authority, and powers of arrest of a peace officer to the extent permitted under state law, or any ordinance of this Code pertaining to matters under the jurisdiction of the Department. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,416, Eff. 3/2/22.)
(c) The above designated employees shall also be authorized to issue citations for the various offenses under their jurisdiction and the cited persons shall be subject to either administrative hearings and penalties (for Board Order violations) or as provided for in the Penal Code Sections 853.5 and/or 853.6. (for Infractions and Misdemeanors).
(d) Each of the above designated employees shall carry upon themself a metallic badge, of a size and design to be determined as provided in Sec 52.32 of this Code, while performing their respective duties applicable to Chapters VII and VIII of the Municipal Code.
(Title and Section Amended by Ord. No. 182,704, Eff. 10/15/13.)
The following persons shall have the authority to obtain federal, state and local summary criminal history information pursuant to the California Penal Code, Section 11105(b)(11) and Section 13300(b)(11), in fulfilling their duties applicable to Chapter VII and Chapter VIII of the Los Angeles Municipal Code: the Board of Transportation Commissioners, the Commission Executive Assistant to the Board of Transportation Commissioners, the Board of Taxicab Commissioners, the Commission Executive Assistant to the Board of Taxicab Commissioners, the General Manager and the Assistant General Manager, the Chief of Transit Programs, the Taxicab Administrator, the Senior Transportation Engineer, the Transportation Engineer, the Senior Management Analyst I, the Chief Transportation Investigator, the Senior Transportation Investigators, and the Transportation Investigators assigned to or having responsibility for permitting and licensing, and for parking control functions within the Department of Transportation.