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Sec. 4.90. Salary Step Placement on Initial Appointment to City Service.
   (a)   Initial appointment to any position in City service shall be at the lowest step in the salary range for the position.
   (b)   Notwithstanding Subsection (a) above, the City Administrative Officer may authorize the appointment of a person to a step above the lowest step in the salary range where the appointing authority and the City Administrative Officer find that:
   (1)   The department, office or bureau is unable to recruit sufficient persons who have the needed experience, abilities or training for the position, or who are willing to work nonstandard hours or who are willing to work in certain locations, or
   (2)   The person to be appointed has experience and skills that exceed those of other candidates available for the position and such experience and skills are required, and
   (3)   The advanced step hiring is applied to a limited number of difficult-to-fill positions in the department, office or bureau.
   (c)   Persons who are employees of other jurisdictions or entities whose functions are consolidated into the City and who enter City service by action of the Board of Civil Service Commissioners pursuant to the provisions of Charter Section 1021 shall be credited with their length of service in the position held at the time of the consolidation for purposes of salary step placement and salary step advancement.
Based on Ord. No. 89,100.
Amended by: Ord. No. 94,904; Subsecs. (a), (b), (c), Ord. No. 142,103, Eff. 7-1-71; Subsecs. (a), b), (c), (d), (e)(1), (2), Ord. No. 143,593, Eff. 7-12-72; Subsec. (e)(1) Ord. No. 144,308, Eff. 1-23-73; Subsec. (e)(2), Ord. No. 148,563, Eff. 7-12-76, Oper. 7-4-76; Title and Section, Ord. No. 155,181, Eff. 5-4-81*; Subsec. (b), Ord. No. 172,760, Eff. 8-18-99, Oper. 8-18-99; Ord. No. 173,308, Eff. 6-30-00, Oper. 7-1-00; Subsec. (b), Ord. No. 182,970, Eff. 4-18-14.
* The provisions of this ordinance shall be effective upon its publication except that each Appointing Authority is hereby authorized to adjust the step placement of any employee who was appointed, transferred, promoted or demoted on or after June 1, 1979 in accordance with the revised Sections 4.90, 4.91, 4.92, 4.93, 4.901, 4.902, 4.903 or 4.904 where such employee would receive a higher salary step placement than that which was provided by the former code sections.