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Sec. 4.903. Salary Step Adjustment.
   (a)   The first salary step advancement for an employee who has been initially appointed to City service or who has been appointed or assigned to a position on a higher salary range shall take place in the payroll period which includes the date six months from the date of the appointment or assignment.
   (1)   Consecutive appointments to positions with the same top step salary rate in the six months following the appointment or assignment shall be treated as one appointment or assignment for step advancement purposes.
   (2)   Absences from duty without pay during the six months following initial appointment or in the twelve months between step advancements shall cause the date of the salary step advancement and the anniversary date to be moved forward one working day for each working day of such absences beginning with the sixteenth working day of such absences. Employees who are injured on duty are compensated in accordance with Division IV of the Labor Code of the State of California and Article 7 of Division 4 of this Code shall not have their first step increase or anniversary date change.
   (3)   The date six months from the date of appointment shall be the employee’s anniversary date except under circumstances provided for in Subsection (a) (2).
   (b)   An employee who is appointed to a new position on the same or lower salary range shall retain the step advancement anniversary date established for the former position.
   (c)   Each employee shall advance to the next higher step in the salary range in the payroll period which includes the employee’s anniversary date until the top step of the salary range is reached.
   (d)   Provisions applicable to part-time and intermittent employees:
   (1)   The initial salary step advancement for a part-time employee (half-time or more but less than full-time) in a position compensated on salary range shall be in the payroll period following completion of 520 hours and six months of service. Each subsequent step advancement shall be in the payroll period following the completion of 1,040 additional hours and one additional year of service. Hours of service in excess of those required for step advancement in a time period shall be carried forward for credit in the next time period.
   (2)   Intermittent employees or part-time employees exempted from Civil Service provisions by Charter Section 1001 shall be paid a rate corresponding to the entering step in the salary range for the classification in which the employee is employed. Full-time or half-time employees changing to intermittent status in the same Civil Service class shall continue to be paid at the same rate as which they were last paid while a full/half-time employee. Employees who, on the effective date of this section, are being compensated on a step in a salary range higher than that prescribed by this section shall receive salary at their existing rate until that rate meets or exceeds the rate prescribed by this section.
Added by Ord. No. 150,778, Eff. 4-17-78, Oper. 7-4-77.
Amended by: 2nd unnumbered paragraph, Ord. No. 152,544, Eff. 4-23-79, Oper. 7-1-78; Title and Section, Ord. No. 155,181, Eff. 5-4-81; In Entirety, Ord. No. 159,659, Eff. 2-15-85; Ord. No. 173,308, Eff. 6-30-00, Oper. 7-1-00.