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   1   Classified Civil Service
   2   Salary Standardization for Employees in Classes of Positions Under the Control of the City Council Except Firefighters and Police Officers
   2.5   Classification and Salary Standardization of Attorney Personnel in the Office of City Attorney
   3   Salary Standardization for Firefighters and Police Officers
   4   Payroll and Reimbursements
   5   Reimbursement for Certain Expenses Incurred by City Employees
   6   Vacations – Leaves of Absence
   7   Miscellaneous Provisions
   8   Employer – Employee Relations
   9   Compensation Plan for Department of Water and Power
   10   Retirement Benefits and Conditions of Entitlement for the Los Angeles City Employees' Retirement System
   11   Health and Welfare Programs for Retirees of the Los Angeles City Employees' Retirement System
   11.5   Health Insurance and Other Benefits for Fire and Police Pension Plans
   12   Salaries of Elected Officials
   13   Administrative Determinations
   14   Deferred Compensation Plan
   15   Implementation of Internal Revenue Code Section 414(h)(2)
   16   Pension Savings Plan for Part-time, Seasonal and Temporary Employees
   17   Reimbursement of Training Costs
   18   Excess Benefit Plan for Tier 1 Members of the Los Angeles City Employees' Retirement System
   18.5   Limited Term Retirement Plan
   19   Changes to Maintain Tax Qualified Status for the Fire and Police Pension Plans – Tiers 3 and 4
   20   Fire and Police Pension Plan – Tier 5
   21   Deferred Retirement Option Plan
   22   Miscellaneous Fire and Police Pension Plan Provisions
   23   Excess Benefit Plans for the Fire and Police Pension Plan