(a) There is hereby created a department in the City government to be known as the Department of the Zoo, hereinafter referred to in this chapter as the “Department,” which shall operate, manage, maintain and control all of the property heretofore operated by the Department of Recreation and Parks for zoo purposes. All property will remain park property, but the Department of the Zoo will have permission to use the real property specified on the map attached hereto, a true and correct copy of which shall be maintained in Council File 94-0989 S1, for all purposes reasonably related to the operation, maintenance and management of a zoo. The Department shall have no authority or obligation for the operation and maintenance of the public streets, sewers in the public streets, Water and Power facilities, street lights and other City facilities or equipment that are located on or adjacent to Zoo property, but which are operated, managed, maintained and controlled by City departments other than the Department of Recreation and Parks. All real property under the management and control of the Department shall be hereinafter referred to as the “ Zoo”.
(b) The Department shall operate, manage, maintain and control the Zoo in a manner that will enhance the existing animal exhibits, visitor amenities and infrastructure, and shall design and construct new exhibits and facilities for the purpose of providing optimal conditions for animal welfare and safety, educating visitors and the community about wildlife, providing a recreational destination for visitors, promoting conservation of species and their habitats, and conducting scientific research.
(c) The Department shall promote the educational offerings and exhibits at the Zoo as a resource to attract economic development to the City of Los Angeles;
(d) For the purposes of this chapter, the phrase “operate, manage, maintain and control” shall have the same meaning as the commonly understood meaning of each of those terms and shall include the power and duty to plan, design, develop, construct, rehabilitate, reconstruct, restore, repair, improve and otherwise administer any and all parts of the Zoo.
The Department shall be the successor in interest to all rights, liabilities, benefits, privileges and immunities of the Department of Recreation and Parks, with the exception of underground mineral, oil or gas rights, created by or arising from any and all contracts and agreements relating to the operation, management, maintenance and control of the Zoo and in effect as of the operative date of the transfer of powers, duties and functions under this chapter.
Chapter, Article and Section Added by Ord. No. 171,636, Eff. 7-27-97.
Editor’s Note: The map referred to in this section is on file in the official City documents located in the Office of the City Clerk in Council File No. 94-0989 S1.
22.701 General Manager.
22.702 Appointment and Removal of the General Manager.
22.704 Los Angeles Zoo Commission.
22.705 Terms of Members of the Board.
22.706 Organization and Meetings of the Commission.
22.707 Powers and Duties of the Board.
22.708 Conflict of Interest.
22.709 Limitation as to Real Property.
22.710 General Charter Requirements.
22.711 Duty to Prepare Business and Marketing Plans.
22.712 Power of General Manager to Enter into Memoranda of Understanding with GLAZA.