There is a department within the government of the City known as the Department of Public Works hereinafter referred to in this chapter as the “Department”.
Based on Charter, Sec. 230.
Amended by: Title and Section, Ord. No. 173,258, Eff. 6-23-00, Oper. 7-1-00.
The Board of Public Works shall consist of five members, whose compensation shall be fixed by ordinance. They shall devote their entire time to the duties of their office. The members of the Board of Public Works shall be appointed and shall organize and conduct the business of the Board in the manner provided in Charter Sections 503 through 508 relating to citizen boards.
Based on Charter, Sec. 230.
Amended by: Previous Sec. 22.315, "Board of Public Works," Repealed, Former Sec. 22.316 Renumbered and Amended, Ord. No. 173,258, Eff. 6-23-00, Oper. 7-1-00.