Pursuant to the Operating Agreement entered into by the City and GLAZA, the General Manager shall negotiate and execute Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) covering (1) annual goals and details of fund raising; (2) terms and conditions of membership in GLAZA and distribution of membership funds between the Zoo and GLAZA, and (3) as appropriate, activities, other than fund raising, to be performed by GLAZA (See also Sec. 22.716). The Memoranda will have their own respective periods of performance, terms and conditions, but will operate as subagreements to the reformulated Operating Agreement, dated July 1, 1997. Each Memorandum entered into by the General Manager will have a maximum term of three (3) years, and no Memorandum will extend beyond the twenty-five (25) year term of the Operating Agreement. Each Memorandum will conform with and carry out the objectives and strategies of the (1) Marketing Plan and (2) Business Plan as approved and adopted by the City Council.
Added by Ord. No. 171,636, Eff. 7-27-97.
The following actions of the Department shall require prior approval of the City Council and the Mayor in order to become effective and before their implementation:
(1) Master plans, development plans related to master plan projects, and amendments thereto.
(2) Debt financing of any kind.
(3) The annual budget for the Department, including expenditures for capital improvements, and amendments, deletions, or additions thereto.
(4) Creation of all personnel authority.
(5) Five (5) Year Marketing and Business Plans
Article and Section Added by Ord. No. 171,636, Eff. 7-27-97.
(a) All revenues derived from the operation of the Department or activities at the Zoo, including the proceeds from any rental or lease thereof, all other revenues or monies received by the Department, and all appropriations made to the Department shall be deposited into a special interest earning trust fund to be designated as the “Zoo Enterprise Trust Fund” which fund is hereby established within the Treasury of the City of Los Angeles. Said fund is hereinafter referred to in this Chapter as the “Fund”. All interest and earnings which accrue from the investment of monies in the Fund shall accrue and be deposited to the credit of the Fund. All costs and expenses incurred in the operation, management, maintenance and control of the Department or related thereto, shall be paid solely from the Fund. The monies deposited in the Fund shall be expended solely for the purpose set forth herein and shall not revert to the General Fund.
(b) All offers of monetary gifts, contributions, or bequests accepted by the City Council or the General Manager for any of the purposes discussed above shall be placed in the Fund.
(c) All offers of gifts, contributions, or bequests made directly to the City for the Zoo with a value of more than $10,000 shall be submitted to the City Council for acceptance or rejection. All offers of gifts, contributions, or bequests of personal property which have a value of $10,000 or less may be accepted by the General Manager of the Department.
(d) The Controller, at the request of the Department, shall establish a separate account for each accepted monetary gift, contribution or bequest which includes any special requirements, qualifications or conditions for use. All accepted monetary gifts, contributions, or bequests which do not include special requirements, qualifications or conditions for use shall be placed in the general account of the Fund.
(e) The Fund shall be administered and expenditures shall be authorized by the General Manager or the General Manager’s designee in accordance with established City practice. The General Manager shall not utilize the fund for purposes which are contrary to the budgetary policy of the Department as established by the Mayor and Council.
(f) The General Manager shall report to the Council semiannually, commencing on October 1 with respect to all receipts placed in the Fund, the source thereof and all expenditures from the Fund and the purposes thereof.
Article and Section Added by Ord. No. 171,636, Eff. 7-27-97.
The City Council intends that the proceeds from the ballot proposals adopted by the voters in 1992 (Proposition A) and in 1996 (Proposition A and Proposition K) and designated for design and construction of Zoo exhibits and facilities be expended for such purposes in accordance with plans for expenditure prepared by the General Manger and approved by the City Council. The Zoo Capital Program Oversight Committee shall be responsible for the overall coordination and supervision of these and other Zoo capital improvement projects as specified in Sections 8.326 et seq. of this Code.
Added by Ord. No. 171,636, Eff. 7-27-97.
Amended by: Ord. No. 172,612, Eff. 7-2-99.
The Department shall receive financial assistance from GLAZA to provide and/or enhance Department operations and capital improvements according to the provisions of an Operating Agreement entered into between the City of Los Angeles and GLAZA.
Added by Ord. No. 171,636, Eff. 7-27-97.