The Public Works Department shall have charge, superintendence and control, except as otherwise specifically provided in the Charter:
Of real property acquired for the purpose of constructing sewers, sewer facilities, storm drains, storm drain facilities, streets, avenues, alleys, lanes, boulevards, crossings, courts, bridges, viaducts, subways, tunnels and other subterranean avenues for travel, and;
Of all real property, the use of which is intended to be for a public slope, street lighting project, the planting of street trees, site distance, retaining wall, footing, street sewer or storm drain purposes.
Added by Ord. No. 171,735, Eff. 10-23-97.
Readopted by Ord. No. 173,281, Eff. 6-26-00, Oper-7-1-00.
The Department is established to centralize into one entity the responsibility and the capability of providing general supportive services to other City departments, excepting those departments for which such separate capability has been or is provided. The supportive services to be provided are to include purchasing, storage and distribution of equipment and supplies; disposition of supplies and equipment; printing and duplicating; mail, and messenger services; testing of materials, soils and substances; building services, heating, lighting, ventilation, maintenance, repair and operations; security; real estate asset management, acquisition and taking by purchase, condemnation or otherwise, in the name of the City, any and all property that may be necessary or convenient for the construction or completion of any non-infrastructure public work or improvement the acquisition of which the Department of General Services has charge, superintendence or control, disposition of surplus property and facilities; leasing of property needed for City business and leasing out of City property not needed for City business until such time as said property is declared to be surplus to City needs; management of the Los Angeles Mall; providing vehicles, transportation, repair and maintenance services to the City departments and offices; operating employee and commercial parking facilities; enforcing City employee parking rules and regulations; providing pool vehicles, for use by authorized employees; and such other services assigned from time to time in accordance with law.
Added by Ord. No. 152,427, Eff. 6-29-79.
Amended by: Ord. No. 167,374, Eff. 12-6-91; Ord. No. 171,735, Eff. 10-23-97.
Readopted by Ord. No. 173,281, Eff. 6-26-00, Oper-7-1-00.
(a) The City Council, from time to time, upon recommendation from the appropriate Council Committee or the Mayor, or upon its own initiative, may, by ordinance, establish policies governing the activities of the Department.
(b) The Department shall be under the control and management of a general manager. The General Manager shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the Department and the Purchasing Agent of the City.
(c) The General Manager shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the Council, as General Manager and Purchasing Agent.
(d) The General Manager shall designate a Chief Accounting Employee for the Department. The General Manager shall not be designated as the Chief Accounting Employee.
(e) The General Manager shall be assisted by such assistants and heads of divisions as may be authorized by law.
Added by Ord. No. 152,427, Eff. 6-29-79
Amended by: Ord. No. 171,735, Eff. 10-23-97.
Readopted by Ord. No. 173,281, Eff. 6-26-00, Oper-7-1-00.
(a) The General Manager shall:
(1) Exercise the powers and duties of General Manager as described in Section 21.1 of this Code, and be responsible, upon the provision of resources, for the administration of those departmental activities duly assigned thereto;
(2) Have the power to make and enforce rules and regulations necessary for administration of the Department;
(3) Exercise the powers, duties and functions of Purchasing Agent for the City and purchase all materials, supplies, equipment, and equipment rental and the repair and maintenance services therefor, required for any officer, board or employee of the City, and;
(4) Have the power to acquire and take by purchase, condemnation or otherwise, in the name of the City, any and all property that may be necessary or convenient for the construction of completion of any facility project enumerated in Sec. 22.500.1;
(5) Satisfy the bond requirements of Article 3 of Chapter 7 of Division 4 of this Code;
(6) Have the power to sign all instruments, contracts, warrants, records, certificates, notices, or other documents relating to the acquisition of real property required to be signed or executed.
Added by Ord. No. 152,427, Eff. 6-29-79.
Amended by: Ord. No. 171,735, Eff. 10-23-97; Subsec. (b) Repealed, Ord. No. 173,290, Eff. 6-30-00, Oper. 7-1-00.
Readopted by Ord. No. 173,281, Eff. 6-26-00, Oper-7-1-00.