The General Services Department shall have charge, superintendence and control, except as otherwise specifically provided in the Charter:
Of vacant property, buildings, shops, yards, facilities, malls, and other such structures;
Of all real property, the use of which currently is or is intended to be for buildings, shops, yards, facilities, malls and other such structures.
Article and Section Added by Ord. No. 171,735, Eff. 10-23-97.
Readopted by Ord. No. 173,281, Eff. 6-26-00, Oper-7-1-00.
The Public Works Department shall have charge, superintendence and control, except as otherwise specifically provided in the Charter:
Of real property acquired for the purpose of constructing sewers, sewer facilities, storm drains, storm drain facilities, streets, avenues, alleys, lanes, boulevards, crossings, courts, bridges, viaducts, subways, tunnels and other subterranean avenues for travel, and;
Of all real property, the use of which is intended to be for a public slope, street lighting project, the planting of street trees, site distance, retaining wall, footing, street sewer or storm drain purposes.
Added by Ord. No. 171,735, Eff. 10-23-97.
Readopted by Ord. No. 173,281, Eff. 6-26-00, Oper-7-1-00.