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Chapter 1A City of Los Angeles Zoning Code
Table of Amending Legislation for Chapter 1A
Sec. 555. General Plan - Procedures for Adoption.
   Procedures pertaining to the preparation, consideration, adoption and amendment of the General Plan, or any of its elements or parts, shall be prescribed by ordinance, subject to the requirements of this section.
   (a)   Amendment in Whole or in Part. The General Plan may be amended in its entirety, by subject elements or parts of subject elements, or by geographic areas, provided that the part or area involved has significant social, economic or physical identity.
   (b)   Initiation of Amendments. The Council, the City Planning Commission or the Director of Planning may propose amendments to the General Plan. The Director of Planning shall make a report and recommendation on all proposed amendments. Prior to Council action, the proposed amendment shall be referred to the City Planning Commission for its recommendation and then to the Mayor for his or her recommendation.
   (c)   Commission and Mayoral Recommendations. The City Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing before making any recommendation on a proposed amendment to the General Plan and shall act within the time specified by ordinance. If the Commission recommends disapproval of an amendment initiated by the Commission, it shall report its decision to the Council and Mayor. After the Commission recommends approval of an amendment initiated by the Commission, or takes action concerning an amendment initiated by the Director or the Council, the Commission shall forward its recommendation to the Mayor. The Mayor shall have 30 days to forward his or her recommendation to the Council regarding the proposed amendment to the General Plan. If either the City Planning Commission or the Mayor does not act within the time specified, the Commission or Mayor shall be deemed to have recommended approval of the proposed amendment.
   (d)   Council Action. The Council shall conduct a public hearing before taking action on a proposed amendment to the General Plan.
   If the Council proposes any modification to the amendment approved by the City Planning Commission, that proposed modification shall be referred to the City Planning Commission and the Mayor for their recommendations. The City Planning Commission and the Mayor shall review any modification made by the Council and shall make their recommendation on the modification to the Council in accordance with subsection (c) above.
   If no modifications are proposed by the Council, or after receipt of the Mayor’s and City Planning Commission’s recommendations on any proposed modification, or the expiration of their time to act, the Council shall adopt or reject the proposed amendment by resolution within the time specified by ordinance.
   (e)   Votes Necessary for Adoption. If both the City Planning Commission and the Mayor recommend approval of a proposed amendment, the Council may adopt the amendment by a majority vote. If either the City Planning Commission or the Mayor recommends the disapproval of a proposed amendment, the Council may adopt the amendment only by a two-thirds vote. If both the City Planning Commission and the Mayor recommend the disapproval of a proposed amendment, the Council may adopt the amendment only by a three-fourths vote. If the Council proposes a modification of an amendment, the recommendations of the Commission and the Mayor on the modification shall affect only that modification.
Sec. 556. General Plan Compliance.
   When approving any matter listed in Section 558, the City Planning Commission and the Council shall make findings showing that the action is in substantial conformance with the purposes, intent and provisions of the General Plan. If the Council does not adopt the City Planning Commission’s findings and recommendations, the Council shall make its own findings.
Sec. 557. General Plan Areas.
   For the purpose of reviewing or amending the General Plan, the City Planning Commission shall make its recommendations to the Council relative to the division of the entire City into areas and the Council, after considering the recommendations of the City Planning Commission, shall adopt a resolution providing for those General Plan areas. To the extent feasible, general plan areas shall be drawn to keep areas geographically compact, to keep neighborhoods and communities intact, and to utilize natural boundaries and street lines.
Sec. 558. Procedure for Adoption, Amendment or Repeal of Certain Ordinances, Orders and Resolutions.
   (a)   The requirements of this section shall apply to the adoption, amendment or repeal of ordinances, orders or resolutions by the Council concerning:
   (1)   the creation or change of any zones or districts for the purpose of regulating the use of land;
   (2)   zoning or other land use regulations concerning permissible uses, height, density, bulk, location or use of buildings or structures, size of yards, open space, setbacks, building line requirements, and other similar requirements, including specific plan ordinances;
   (3)   private street regulations;
   (4)   public projects; and
   (5)   the acquisition of, change of area or alignment to, abandonment of, or vacation of any public right of way, park, playground, airport, public building site or other public way, ground or open space, but not including easements for sewers, storm drains or slopes, nor the temporary transfer of jurisdiction over any portion of a street to another local agency.
   (b)   Procedures for the adoption, amendment or repeal of ordinances, orders or resolutions described in subsection (a) shall be prescribed by ordinance, subject to the following limitations:
   (1)   Initiation. An ordinance, order or resolution may be proposed by the Council, the City Planning Commission, or Director of Planning or by application of the owner of the affected property if authorized by ordinance.
   (2)   Recommendation of the City Planning Commission. After initiation, the proposed ordinance, order or resolution shall be referred to the City Planning Commission for its report and recommendation regarding the relation of the proposed ordinance, order or resolution to the General Plan and, in the case of proposed zoning regulations, whether adoption of the proposed ordinance, order or resolution will be in conformity with public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice. The City Planning Commission shall act within the time specified by ordinance. After the City Planning Commission has made its report and recommendation, or after the time for it to act has expired, the Council may consider the matter. Failure to act within the time prescribed by ordinance shall be deemed to be a recommendation of approval by the City Planning Commission of the proposed ordinance, order or resolution.
   (3)   Action by the Council. Before adopting a proposed ordinance, order or resolution, the Council shall make the findings required in subsection(b)(2) of this section.
   (A)   Planning Commission Recommendation of Approval. If the City Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed ordinance, order or resolution, the Council may adopt an ordinance, order or resolution conforming to the Commission recommendation by majority vote.
   (B)   Planning Commission Recommendation Against Approval. If the City Planning Commission recommends against approval of the proposed ordinance, order or resolution, and the matter has been initiated by the filing of an application, the City Planning Commission action shall be final, subject to appeal to the Council in accordance with procedures prescribed by ordinance. The Council shall review the action of the Commission appealed from and may adopt an ordinance, order or resolution contrary to the recommendation of the Commission only by a two-thirds vote. If the City Planning Commission recommends against approval of the proposed ordinance, order, or resolution, and the matter has been initiated by the Council, the Council may take action on the matter without an appeal. The Council may adopt the proposed ordinance, order or resolution only by a two-thirds vote.
   (C)   Failure of Planning Commission to Act. If the Commission fails to make any recommendation within the time specified by ordinance, an ordinance, order or resolution in conformity with that which was initiated by the Council or by application shall be prepared and presented to the Council, and may be adopted by majority vote.
Sec. 559. Delegation of Authority.
   The City Planning Commission may authorize the Director of Planning to approve or disapprove for the Commission any ordinance, order or resolution or modification thereto which is subject to the provisions of Sections 555 or 558. In exercising that authority, the Director must make the same findings as would have been required for the City Planning Commission to act on the same matter. An action of the Director under this authority shall be subject to the same time limits and shall have the same effect as if the City Planning Commission had acted directly.
Sec. 560. Hearings and Investigations.
   The City Planning Commission and Area Planning Commissions may authorize the Director of Planning or his or her designee to conduct hearings on behalf of the commission. The Director of Planning shall make investigations relative to all matters provided for in Sections 555 and 558 as the City Planning Commission may direct and shall file reports with the City Planning Commission.
Sec. 561. Office of Zoning Administration.
   There shall be a quasi-judicial agency known as the Office of Zoning Administration. The duties of this office shall be performed by one or more Zoning Administrators as authorized by the Council, who shall be appointed by the Director of Planning subject to the civil service provisions of the Charter. If more than one Zoning Administrator is authorized, a position of Chief Zoning Administrator shall be established, the appointment to which shall be made by the Director of Planning, and the others shall be Associate Zoning Administrators. Subject to rules and regulations as may be prescribed by ordinance, the Office of Zoning Administration shall investigate and determine all applications for variances from any of the regulations and requirements of the zoning ordinances, and shall have other powers and duties with respect to zoning and land use as prescribed by ordinance.
   The Council shall by ordinance provide time limits within which a Zoning Administrator must act for each type of case under his or her jurisdiction. If no determination is made by a Zoning Administrator within the prescribed time, the applicant may request that the matter be transferred to the jurisdiction of an Area Planning Commission or other board as prescribed by ordinance.
   The Chief Zoning Administrator may adopt rules necessary to carry out the requirements prescribed by ordinance and which are not in conflict or inconsistent with those ordinances. All rules and regulations shall be available for inspection in accordance with the requirements of the California Public Records Act.
Amended by: Third para., Charter Amendment II, approved November 5, 2024, effective January 8, 2025.