General Provisions
52.001 Purpose and policy
52.002 Definitions and abbreviations
52.003 Indemnification of city
52.004 Service requirements
52.005 Inspection of building service line
52.006 Maintenance of property service line(s)
52.007 Protection from damage
General Sewer Use Requirements
52.015 Prohibited discharge standards
52.016 National categorical pretreatment standards
52.017 Industrial waste survey and local limits
52.018 State requirements
52.019 Right of revision
52.020 Dilution
52.021 Pretreatment of wastewater
52.022 Accidental discharge/slug control plans
52.023 Hauled wastewater
52.024 Use of public sewers
52.025 Regulations concerning building of sewers and connections
52.040 Purpose
52.041 User charges
52.042 Surcharges
52.043 Pretreatment program administration charges
Wastewater Discharge Permit Application and Issuance
52.055 Wastewater dischargers
52.056 Wastewater permits
Reporting Requirements
52.070 Baseline monitoring reports
52.071 Compliance schedule progress reports
52.072 Reports on compliance with categorical pretreatment standard deadline
52.073 Periodic compliance reports
52.074 Reports of changed conditions
52.075 Reports of potential problems
52.076 Reports from unpermitted users
52.077 Notice of violation/repeat sampling and reporting
52.078 Notification of the discharge of hazardous wastes
52.079 Analytical requirements
52.080 Grab and composite sample collection
52.081 Timing
52.082 Record keeping
52.083 Electronic reporting
Compliance Monitoring
52.095 Monitoring facilities
52.096 Inspection and sampling
52.097 Search warrants
Confidential Information
52.110 Public information; request for confidentiality
52.111 Government access to information
52.112 Availability of records
52.125 Administrative remedies
52.126 Other available remedies
52.127 Remedies nonexclusive
Annual Publication of Significant Noncompliance
52.140 Public disclosure
Affirmative Defense to Discharge Violations
52.155 Upset
52.156 Prohibited discharge standards defense
52.157 Bypass
52.170 Severability
52.171 Conflict
52.172 Effective date
Enforcement Response Plan (ERP)
52.185 Introduction
52.186 Enforcement actions available to the POTW
52.187 Investigation of noncompliance
52.188 Types of violation
52.189 Responses: timeframes, responsible officials, escalated actions
Fats, Oils, and Grease Control Policy
52.200 Scope and purpose
52.201 Authority
52.202 Definitions
52.203 Acronyms
52.204 Applicability
52.205 General service requirements
52.206 New food service establishments
52.207 Existing food service establishments
52.208 Use of oil and water separators
52.209 Guidelines for all FOG contributing facilities
52.210 Right of entry
52.211 Prohibitions and violations
52.212 Enforcement
52.999 Penalty