The following acronyms are used in this policy:
(A) ASPE - American Society of Plumbing Engineers;
(B) BMP - Best Management Practices;
(C) DENR - Department of Environment and Natural Resources;
(D) EPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency;
(E) FOG - Fats, Oils, and Grease;
(F) FSE - Food Service Establishments;
(G) NCGS - North Carolina General Statutes;
(H) NCIPC - International Plumbing Code, North Carolina Revisions;
(I) NOD - Notice of Deficiency;
(J) NOV - Notice of Violation;
(K) NTC - Notice to Correct;
(L) POTW - Publicly Owned Treatment Works;
(M) TOS - Termination of (Sewer and/or Water) Service.
(Ord. O-01-22, passed 4-7-2022)