(A)   All new grease contributing facilities must notify the city’s FOG unit prior to opening for business in order to receive approval for the proper sizing and installation of the grease interceptor.
   (B)   The city requires a minimum size of a 1,000-gallon outside grease interceptor be properly installed with inlet tee (12 inches below surface) and outlet tee (two-thirds depth). Some facilities may not need this large of an interceptor; however, this basic FOG infrastructure must be in place for the event of expansion or a change in operations. Some facilities may require a larger grease interceptor; for this reason, the city is requiring technically defensible calculation(s) be provided to support the proper sizing of the grease interceptor. Therefore, the city has approved the Manning Formula to determine the size of a grease interceptor (calculated volumes shall be rounded up the nearest tank size available).
(Ord. O-01-22, passed 4-7-2022)