   (A)   Whenever, due to an emergency resulting from the effects of an enemy attack or a natural disaster requiring the declaration of a state of emergency:
      (1)   A quorum of the City Council, or a number more than a quorum whose votes may be required by law for any particular purpose, is not available or able to meet for the transaction of essential business of the city, the number of members of the Council who is or are available and able shall convene and elect emergency interim successors to the unavailable or disabled members, to hold office until the unavailable or disabled members shall resume their offices or until their successors are designated as required by law.
      (2)   Neither the Mayor nor the President Pro Tem of the City Council is available or able to perform the duties of the office of Mayor, the City Council shall designate one of their number or some other competent person as emergency interim successor to the Mayor, to hold office until the Mayor resumes office or until a successor to the Mayor is designated as required by law; provided, that if a member of the Council shall be chosen as emergency interim successor to the Mayor, his or her seat in the Council shall be filled by an emergency interim successor as provided in this division (A) until he or she resumes office as Council member.
      (3)   The City Administrator is not available or able to perform the duties of his or her office, the City Council shall designate a competent person as emergency interim successor to the City Administrator, to hold office until the City Administrator shall resume office or until a successor to the City Administrator is designated as required by law.
      (4)   Any officer other than one of those mentioned in the foregoing divisions (A)(1) through (A)(3), inclusive of this section, is not available or able to perform the duties of his or her office, the City Council shall designate emergency interim successors to the unavailable or disabled officers, to hold office until they shall resume their respective offices or until their respective successors are designated as required by law; provided, that the City Council may delegate this authority to the City Administrator.
   (B)   Emergency interim successors designated pursuant to this section shall exercise the powers and perform the duties of the office to which they respectively have been appointed until the regularly constituted officers from whom they are substituting shall resume their respective offices or their successors have been designated as required by law.
(1973 Code, § 2-18)
Statutory reference:
   Authority of City Council to enact this section, see M.S. § 1.27
   Authority of City Council, under certain conditions of emergency, to meet at any place within or without the territorial limits of the city to establish an emergency location of the city government, see M.S. § 1.26, Subdivisions 4 to 6