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   (a)   No person shall cause or allow an automobile business operation to perform any services in the City unless the operator or owner has obtained an automobile business operation permit.
   (b)   An application for an automobile business operation permit shall be submitted to the Division on a form prescribed by the Division.
   (c)   Within ten calendar days of receipt of the application and permit fee, the Division shall perform an inspection to ensure that the automobile business operation:
      (1)   Provides lined off-street parking spaces sufficient to park or store all controlled vehicles on operator premises away from doors, bays, and ways of vehicle ingress and egress;
      (2)   Stores or maintains all used or discarded parts within an enclosed building, structure, or bin or within a walled or fenced area on operator premises sufficient to shield from the sight of the public right-of-way;
      (3)   Has readily accessible building capacity to perform all repairs and servicing within an enclosed building or structure; and
      (4)   Complies with all provisions of this chapter.
   (d)   The Division may request information from the automobile business operation necessary to facilitate an inspection under this chapter.
   (e)   Within 30 calendar days of receipt of the application and permit fee and upon a finding of compliance with all provisions of this chapter, the Division shall issue the automobile business operation permit.
   (f)   The annual permit fee for an automobile business operation permit shall be $150 for each location used in the automobile business operation.
   (g)   An automobile business operation permit shall be effective on an annual basis, shall expire on June 30 of each year, and shall not be transferable.
      (Ord. 10-2023. Passed 6-20-23.)