905.01 Rules established.
905.02 Hours open to public.
905.03 Destruction of property.
905.04 Certain vehicles prohibited; speed.
905.05 Parking areas; traffic control.
905.06 Obstructing driveways; soliciting passengers.
905.07 Animals.
905.08 Obstructions in park; littering; permit to distribute circulars.
905.09 Billposting; permit for erecting structures or decorations.
905.10 Climbing on structures.
905.11 Permit for entertainment or meetings.
905.12 Games of chance prohibited; permit for certain enterprises.
905.13 Disorderly conduct; intoxication; smoking.
905.14 Firearms and explosives.
905.15 Picnic areas; permit for use of picnic pavilions.
905.16 Recreational areas.
905.17 Consent to enter prohibited areas.
905.18 Issuance of required permits; conditions; display.
905.19 Lakewood Park lakefront.
905.20 Exemptions.
905.21 Rental of City property.
905.98 Authority of the Director of Public Works.
905.99 Penalty.
Recreation Improvement Fund - see ADM. 129.25
Uniforms for park caretakers - see ADM. 149.18
Land appropriation for parks - see Ohio R.C. 715.21, 719.01
Playgrounds - see Ohio R.C. 755.12 et seq.
Power to regulate vehicle speed in parks - see Ohio R.C. 4511.07(E)
(a) Parks shall be open daily for use by the general public.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (d) hereof, no person other than an on-duty employee of the City or City contractor shall enter into or remain within the limits of Lakewood Park between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and sunrise.
(c) No person other than an on-duty employee of the City or a City contractor shall enter into or remain within the limits of any park, except Lakewood Park, during the time from one hour after sunset to sunrise.
(d) No person, other than an on-duty employee of the City, shall enter into or remain within that area of Lakewood Park, north of the existing most northerly fence line between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. of the following day, and at such times as the Director of Public Works deems it necessary due to special events and/or weather conditions. Special permission may be granted, in writing, by the Director of Public Safety or the Director of Public Works, to persons to use this area.
(e) The Director of Public Works may permit certain areas of parks to remain open after established hours for events scheduled by the Lakewood Board of Education or pursuant to a special event permit issued in accordance with Chapter 557. No person shall be permitted to occupy after posted hours any portion of a park which is not held open for an event specifically authorized hereunder.
(Ord. 16-12. Passed 3-5-2012; Ord. 15-2024. Passed 9-3-2024.)
No person shall remove, destroy, break, injure, mutilate or deface in any way any structure, fountain, wall, fence, railing, vehicle, bench, tree, shrub, fern, plant, flower or other property in any park or driveway. No person other than an employee of the parks shall bring into any of the parks, or have in his possession while therein, any tree, shrub or plant or any newly plucked branch or leaf of a tree, shrub or plant.
(Ord. 4291. Passed 11-20-1944.)