Plans and Drawings
Plans and Drawings
1303.01 Permit application; professional fees.
1303.02 Plans and drawings; scale.
1303.03 Requirement of drawings.
1303.04 Approval of plans, lapse of approval.
1303.05 Rejection of plans.
1303.06 Changing of plans.
1303.07 Look-alike homes.
1303.08 Electrical wiring for new construction.
Plans for public buildings to be submitted - see Ohio R.C. 3791.04
Architectural Board of Review - see BLDG. Ch. 1309
Before proceeding with the construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, remodeling or moving of any building or other structure, a permit shall first be obtained from the Building Commissioner by the owner of the premises or by a person acting as his or her agent under written authority of such owner, and such written authority shall accompany any application for a permit by such agent. Such application shall be made in writing and upon printed forms prescribed and furnished by the Building Commissioner. It shall, except for removals, be accompanied by three complete sets of plans conforming to the requirements of Sections 1303.02 and 1303.03. Upon the filing of such application and plans, the applicant shall pay a permit fee as provided for by ordinance of Council. In addition to such permit fee and only in the case of buildings other than single-family residences, the applicant shall also be required to pay the sum of thirty dollars ($30.00) for the processing costs of engineering and architectural review and inspection by City personnel. For commercial or complex plans, the applicant shall also be required to immediately reimburse the City for the actual cost incurred by the City from any engineer, plans reviewer, or construction professional for such extraordinary time spent for such architectural review.
(Ord. 2013-30. Passed 11-12-13.)
All plans and drawings required to be filed with the Building Commissioner in connection with the application for a building permit must be prepared in compliance with all of the requirements of the Building Code, the Ohio Building Code and the Residential Code of Ohio. (Ord. 2013-30. Passed 11-12-13.)
All plans and specifications submitted in connection with the application for building permit:
(a) Shall include a plot plan showing the relation of buildings to lot line, contour lines, showing building and drainage elevations.
(b) Shall include basement or foundation plan, floor plans, front, rear and side elevation and typical wall section;
(c) Shall include sufficient scale details to define the character of the exterior design and a typical wall section through the front face of the building showing front height, window height, construction, foundation and material to be used;
(d) Shall include location of buildings on adjacent lots;
(e) Shall include a schedule of exterior materials, finishes and colors.
(f) Shall include all information as required by Section 106 of the Ohio Residential Code.
Site and location plans shall show existing adjacent finished grades and proposed finished grades relative to the street grades.
In addition, for all commercial buildings, three sets of landscaping plans shall be submitted, one to the Planning Commission, one to the Architectural Board of Review and one to the Building Commissioner. Such landscaping plans shall, at a minimum, provide for the replacement of every tree by a like number of seedlings, for every tree to be damaged or destroyed.
Plans for remodeling buildings which affect the exterior appearance shall be accompanied by a drawing sufficient to show the existing building and surroundings.
The Building Commissioner may, by regulations issued by him and approved by the Architectural Board of Review, require such other reasonable plans, specifications and details thereof as may be necessary to properly evaluate safety, architectural and use features of all buildings proposed to be built or altered.
(Ord. 2007-07. Passed 3-13-07.)