5.74.010: License Required
5.74.020: License Fee
5.74.030: Operation; Premises Location Restrictions
5.74.040: Changing Identification Marks Or License Tags
5.74.050: Inspection For Compliance
5.74.060: Parking Lot Defined
5.74.070: License Requirements
5.74.080: Conduct Of Other Business On Same Premises
5.74.090: Rates And Hours To Be Posted
5.74.100: Building Construction Regulations
5.74.110: Fire Protection Requirements
5.74.120: Driveways
5.74.130: Trash And Refuse Containers
5.74.140: Intoxicating Liquor Restrictions
5.74.150: Abandoned, Junked And Other Vehicles Prohibited
The annual fee for license to operate or maintain a public garage shall be as specified in the fee schedule adopted pursuant to section 5.06.050 of this title. (1999 Code)
It is unlawful to maintain or operate any public garage in a frame building, or in any building or structure used for school, church or theater purposes, or in any building that does not conform to the requirements of the building ordinances. The premises of every garage must be kept clean and free from flammable waste material. (1999 Code)