5.30.010: Definitions
5.30.020: Compliance With Chapter Requirements
5.30.030: Applicability; Exemptions
5.30.040: Auctioneer's License Required
5.30.050: Application For Auctioneer's License
5.30.060: Inventory Of Sale Articles
5.30.070: Issuance Conditions For Auctioneer's License
5.30.080: Fee For Auctioneer's License
5.30.090: Auctioneer's License Bond
5.30.100: Auctioneer's License Not Transferable
5.30.110: Denial Or Revocation Conditions Of Auctioneer's License
5.30.120: Denial Or Revocation; Notice Of Hearing
5.30.130: Auction House License Required
5.30.140: Auction House License Fee
5.30.150: Transient Auction House License Required; When; Term
5.30.160: Transient Auction House License Fee
5.30.170: Auction House Licenses; Bond Requirements
5.30.180: Conformity With Other Laws
5.30.190: Sales To Be On Successive Days
5.30.200: Licensee's Continuous Attendance Required
5.30.210: Merchandise To Be Labeled
5.30.220: Merchandise To Be In State For Fifteen Days
5.30.230: Truthful Representation Of Merchandise
5.30.240: Reserved Right Of Seller To Bid
5.30.250: Seller Bidding At Sale Without Reserve Prohibited
5.30.260: Receipts For Merchandise; Commissions
5.30.270: Record Keeping Requirements; Generally
5.30.280: Record Keeping Requirements; Valuable Articles
5.30.290: Purchaser's Right To Return Merchandise For Full Refund
5.30.300: Valuable Articles Defined; When Sale Of Valuable Articles Prohibited
5.30.310: Unlawful Activities Designated
5.30.320: By-Bidders Prohibited
5.30.330: False Representations Prohibited
For the purpose of this chapter, the following words shall have the following meanings:
AUCTION HOUSE: A place of business where auctions are conducted and personal property sold at auction.
AUCTIONEER: Any person who conducts a public, competitive sale of property by outcry to the highest bidder.
TRANSIENT AUCTION HOUSE: Any place, whether indoors or outdoors, located within the city, where any goods, wares, merchandise or articles of value are offered for sale at auction, and which is neither the permanent place of business for auction sales nor a permanent business that has an auction sale to dispose of its inventory, furnishings and business equipment as it goes out of business. (1999 Code)
The provisions of this chapter shall not be applicable to auction sales conducted by trustees or referees in bankruptcy, executors, administrators, receivers or other public officers acting under judicial process, nor to the sale of real property at auction, nor shall it apply to any auction held for charitable or benevolent purposes or for any church, fair, festival or bazaar, nor to an auction wherein the general public is not invited nor permitted to participate as bidders, and where the bidding is restricted to wholesalers or retailers purchasing for resale. (1999 Code)