5.66.010: License Required
5.66.020: License Application
5.66.030: License Fees
5.66.040: Activities On Unlicensed Premises; Fee
5.66.050: Building Code Requirements
5.66.060: Nonflammable Scenery Required
5.66.070: Crowding Limitations
5.66.080: Exits; Obstruction Prohibited
5.66.090: Compliance With Laws
It is unlawful to give, present or conduct any motion picture or theatrical, for admission to which a fee is charged, excepting performances given solely for the benefit of and under the supervision of a religious, educational or charitable organization, without having first secured a license therefor as is provided in this chapter. (1999 Code)
A. Any person securing an annual license for motion pictures or theatricals, naming a specific place, building or auditorium/theater within a building housing more than one auditorium/theater where the performances are to be presented, may present therein any number of performances, including theatricals, during the year for which the license was secured, upon payment of the required fees.
B. In addition to the general license fee, the license fee for the license required in this chapter shall be based upon the number of movie screens at the place of amusement pursuant to the fee schedule adopted pursuant to section 5.06.050 of this title. (1999 Code)