5.08.010: License Required To Carry On Business
5.08.020: Persons Subject To Licensing
5.08.030: Application; Contents
5.08.040: Fees And Waiver
5.08.050: Fees Not Refunded When
5.08.060: Application Fee Refunds
5.08.070: Investigation Of Applicant
5.08.080: License Application Referred To Mayor
5.08.090: Additional Investigations
5.08.100: Report Of Investigations
5.08.110: Action By Mayor
5.08.120: Compliance With Building And Land Use Requirements
5.08.130: Approval Of License Application
5.08.140: Denial Conditions
5.08.150: Appeal Hearing On Denial Of License; Effect
Unless exempted by state or federal law, it is unlawful for any person to engage in or carry on or operate any business in the city, or to use any property for such business, without first making application for and obtaining the required license from the city. (1999 Code)
Whenever a license is required for the maintenance, operation or conduct of any business or establishment, or for doing business or engaging in any activity or occupation, any person shall be subject to the requirements if, by himself or through an agent, employee or other related party, he holds himself forth as being engaged in the business or occupation, or solicits patronage therefor, actively or passively, or performs or attempts to perform any part of such business or occupation in the city. (1999 Code)
A. Required Information: Applications for licenses and permits required by ordinance shall be made in writing to the license official at the department unless otherwise provided by ordinance. Each application shall state the name of the business; the name of the applicant; the permit or license desired; the location to be used, if any; the time covered and the fee to be paid; the name and address of the business agent within the city who is authorized to receive service of process and any communication regarding the applicant's license via certified mail, return receipt requested; and such additional information as may be requested by the license official for the purpose of guidance of the city in issuing the permit or license. Any change in the above information furnished by the license applicant shall be forwarded to the license official in writing, within ten (10) days after the change.
B. Forms; Filing: Forms for all license and permits, and the application therefor, shall be prepared and kept on file by the license official. (1999 Code)