5.60.010: Register To Be Kept By Certain Businesses; Contents
5.60.020: Inspection Of Premises
5.60.030: Hotels/Motels; License Requirements
5.60.040: No Fugitives
5.60.050: Premises; Cleanliness And Lighting
5.60.060: Premises; Sanitary Facilities
5.60.070: Premises; Exits
5.60.080: Inspection For Compliance
A. Register Required: Every person maintaining or operating a hotel, boarding house or rooming house, auto court, motel, tourist home or trailer camp in the city shall keep a register in which each guest shall be required to write his name, residence, next destination, and the make and state registration license number of his vehicle or trailer. Such persons shall not fail to enter in such register opposite the name of each guest the designation of the room, cabin, trailer or camping space assigned.
B. Inspection: The register shall be open for inspection by the public and the sheriff. (1999 Code)
The license official or sheriff may periodically investigate, examine and inspect all hotels, auto courts, trailer camps, tourist homes and rooming houses and boarding houses licensed under the provisions of this chapter and shall report to the mayor where it appears that the general reputation of the keeper or of anyone residing or boarding therein is questionable, or that such boarding house is not operated in a quiet, lawful or peaceful manner. (1999 Code)
It is unlawful to conduct or operate a hotel, motel or a building or part thereof used or held out to the public, where sleeping accommodations are furnished for twenty (20) or more persons for a period of one day or more, without first having obtained a license therefor. The annual fee for such license shall be as specified in the fee schedule adopted pursuant to section 5.06.050 of this title. Such fee shall be in addition to the general business license fee. (1999 Code)