A. Limitations: No license granted or issued under the city ordinances shall be deemed to be assignable or transferable, or to authorize any person other than the person therein mentioned or named to do business, or to authorize any other business than is therein mentioned or named to be done or transacted. (1999 Code)
B. Application For Transfer: Persons to whom one or more licenses have been issued to transact or carry on some business at a definite location in the city may, except as hereinafter provided, make application for the transfer of said licenses for the sole purposes of transacting or carrying on the same business as is therein mentioned at some other definite location in the city. Applications therefor shall be filed with the license official ten (10) days in advance of the proposed change. The mayor, after receiving reports furnished by the license official or his authorized agent may, in his discretion, deny or grant the transfer of licenses according to the above limitations. No change shall be permitted without full compliance with the building and land use requirements of this code. (1999 Code; amd. Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)
In the event of a transfer of location as described in section 5.12.010 of this chapter, or in the event a partnership or association applies to delete the name or names of an individual or group of individuals from its license, upon application a new license may be reissued for transfer of location or in the name of the new partnership or association provided the appropriate fee is paid as specified in the fee schedule adopted pursuant to section 5.06.050 of this title. (1999 Code)