(A) A cable operator is not required to seek a security deposit from a customer for use or rental of the cable operator’s equipment.
(B) However, if a security deposit is charged:
(1) A cable operator shall comply with any, and all, applicable state statutes, rules or regulations concerning security deposits. If the state has no statutes, rules or regulations concerning the security deposit for a particular piece of equipment, then the cable operator shall be prohibited from charging any security deposit for equipment which exceeds the replacement cost to the cable operator;
(2) A cable operator shall be prohibited from charging any security deposit for cable service which exceeds twice the basic monthly rate. This shall be in addition to any other security deposit allowable under this division (B); and
(3) A cable operator shall return a security deposit if the equipment is returned in as good condition as when provided to the customer, normal wear and tear excepted.
(Prior Code, § 13.20.230) (Ord. 96-13.20, passed - -1996)
(A) In order to assist the town in assessing the resolution of customer service requests, inquiries and complaints, a cable operator shall be required to keep and maintain service logs, subject to any limitations imposed by state or federal law (including any subscriber privacy limitations).
(B) At a minimum, the service inquiry logs should contain the following:
(1) The date and time of the initial receipt of a service request, inquiry or complaint, together with the date and time of the initial response;
(2) The nature of the matter;
(3) The precise action taken by a cable operator in order to resolve the matter; and
(4) Whether the matter was resolved by allowing a credit or refund of some sort. In addition to any other right of inspection that the town may possess, it shall have the right to review and inspect a compilation of the logs. The town shall not have the right of review or inspection for any logs or any information contained within the logs that are otherwise protected by state or federal law.
(Prior Code, § 13.20.240) (Ord. 96-13.20, passed - -1996)
At any time a cable operator disturbs the yard, residence or other real or personal property of a subscriber, the cable operator shall ensure that the subscriber’s property is returned, replaced and/or restored to a substantially similar condition as that in existence prior to the disturbance by the cable operator. The costs associated with both the disturbance and the return, replacement and/or restoration shall be borne by the cable operator. The requirements imposed upon the cable operator extend to any subcontractor or independent contractor employed by the cable operator.
(Prior Code, § 13.20.250) (Ord. 96-13.20, passed - -1996)
(A) A subscriber may at any time request that a particular service tier, pay channel, premium channel, informational service or the entire cable service be disconnected.
(B) In addition, where different levels of service are offered by a cable operator, a subscriber may request a downgrade from a particular level of service to a less comprehensive or less expensive level of service. Disconnections or downgrades shall be effective according to reasonable policies disclosed in advance to the subscriber.
(Prior Code, § 13.20.270) (Ord. 96-13.20, passed - -1996)
A cable operator is required to develop a comprehensive complaint/inquiry resolution policy that is consistent with the rules and regulations outlined in this chapter. The town may establish a neutral third-party appeal process to handle complaints/inquiries that are not satisfactorily resolved at the cable operator level.
(Prior Code, § 13.20.290) (Ord. 96-13.20, passed - -1996)