No electrical sign of any description shall hereafter be erected without having been inspected on the ground and approved by the Building Inspector. It shall be the duty of the manufacturer or installer of such sign to notify the Inspector when the sign is ready for ground inspection.
(Ord. C85-01. Passed 12-3-01; Ord. C58-05. Passed 7-5-05.)
If any sign is or becomes insecure or is in danger of falling or otherwise unsafe, the owner thereof or the person maintaining it shall, upon receipt of written notice by certified mail, as defined in Section 1133.06 of the Codified Ordinances, from the Building Inspector, proceed immediately within seventy-two (72) hours to put the sign in a safe and secure condition or remove it.
(Ord. C85-01. Passed 12-3-01; Ord. C58-05. Passed 7-5-05.)
If any sign is installed, erected, constructed or maintained in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, the Building Inspector shall notify the owner or lessee thereof in writing to alter such sign so as to comply with this chapter or to remove such sign within ten (10) days or a time designated by the Inspector.
(Ord. C85-01. Passed 12-3-01; Ord. C58-05. Passed 7-5-05.)
No display or advertising sign shall be attached to the standard of a free-standing sign, other than the display surface originally constructed as a part of such sign. The standard of the free-standing sign shall be painted in only one (1) color unless the sign standard is covered with metal, wood or masonry; any or all may be used together. No display or advertising sign shall exceed eight square feet (8') when attached to or painted or otherwise displayed on a light standard, gasoline pump, fence, wall, post or other structure, or to any portable supporting device, except as specifically authorized by this section.
(Ord. C85-01. Passed 12-3-01; Ord. C58-05. Passed 7-5-05.)
(a) No sign shall be placed in any public right-of-way except:
(1) A governmental sign, such as a traffic control or directional sign; and
(2) Signs in the central business district, provided the signs meet the requirements of this chapter.
(b) Any sign placed in a public right-of-way or right-of-way easement may be removed by the city and stored in a city complex for a minimum of seventy-two (72) hours and may thereafter be destroyed.
(c) Whoever violates this provision of this section shall be fined not more than one hundred fifty ($150). A separate offense shall be deemed committed for each sign placed on said rights-of-way.
(Ord. C85-01. Passed 12-3-01; Ord. C28-05. Passed 4-4-05; Ord. C58-05. Passed 7-5-05.)
(a) Real estate, political, church, temporary, garage sales, public or semi-public, directional subdivision's and/or contractor's signs as defined in this chapter and Chapter 713 of the Codified Ordinances may be erected and maintained within the City limits, subject to the limitations and restrictions set forth in this chapter and Section 713.04 of the Codified Ordinances.
(b) Political signs may be displayed as defined in Section 1145.02(r) provided that such signs shall not be located any closer than ten feet (10') to the right-of-way along the street or streets on which a lot or parcel fronts. Such signs shall not be illuminated nor be erected within any public rights-of-way or easements nor attached in any manner to any utility pole, fence or any other structure within any public rights-of-way.
(c) On-site directional signs not exceeding four square feet in area and three feet in height.
(d) Informational signs are limited in size to fifteen (15) square feet and shall be limited to one sign for businesses with less than forty (40) lineal feet of building frontage and no more than two (2) for businesses, exceeding forty (40) lineal feet of building frontage, but at no time shall a sign exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the window area. Such signs shall be placed in ground level windows only.
(e) Signs/banners temporarily displayed to advertise grand openings shall be permitted for nonresidential uses in commercial and industrial districts subject to the following limitations:
(1) Such signs/banners shall be limited to one (1) sign per street front;
(2) Such signs/banners may be displayed for not more than twenty (20) consecutive days for any new business within the first one hundred twenty (120) days of operation.
(3) Total area of all such signs/banners shall not exceed forty (40) square feet.
(f) Signs denoting “open,” management information or acceptable forms of payment may not exceed two (2) square feet for any business.
(Ord. C85-01. Passed 12-3-01; Ord. C58-05. Passed 7-5-05.)
(a) All portable signs are prohibited with the exception of A-frame signs as provided for in this section for commercial premises located in the Central Business District as defined in Section 1135.12.
(b) See Section 1145.02(s) for definition of “portable sign”.
(c) Applications for A-frame sign permits shall be submitted, at no cost to the applicant, on prescribed forms to the Building Division.
(d) If the A-frame sign permit is approved, the Building Division will issue an A-frame sign permit.
(e) A business may display one A-frame sign, except in multi-tenant buildings. A commercial building with multiple tenants shall be permitted one (1) A-frame sign per frontage along a public sidewalk. The A-frame sign shall be exempted from the requirements for permanent signage.
(f) A-frame signs shall meet the following requirements:
(1) The sign shall be located directly in front of the building containing the business that the sign advertises.
(2) The sign shall not impede or obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
A. There shall be a minimum of four feet of open space free of all obstructions, including but not limited to the A-frame sign, sidewalk furnishings, street trees, trash receptacles, bike racks, fire hydrants, and lamp posts.
B. A-frame signs shall not have moving parts, projections, lighting or any attention-grabber devices attached to them, including but not limited to streamers and balloons.
C. A-frame signs shall be stable. If necessary, the sign shall be braced to prevent collapse or toppling. If the City determines that an approved sign is unstable, the City may remove the sign without notice to the owner.
D. A-frame signs may be displayed on the sidewalk only during the hours when the business that the sign advertises is open. When the business is closed, the holder of the A-frame sign permit is responsible for removing the sign from the sidewalk.
E. A-frame signs shall have a maximum height of forty-two inches and a minimum height of twenty-four inches. The maximum width of all A-frame signs shall be thirty-six inches.
F. A-frame signs shall have two equally sized panels consisting of fixed-copy, chalkboard or a combination thereof. Panels shall be completely contained within the sign frame. Fixed-copy panels and text shall be consistent with the Historical Preservations Area (HPA) color palette. Panels shall be constructed of weather resistant material.
G. The sign frame shall be constructed of metal, finished black and designed to be compatible and appropriate with other street furnishings located within the public right-of-way. The frame shall provide stable contact with the sidewalk. A-frame signs shall not have wheels.
(Ord. C85-01. Passed 12-3-01; Ord. C58-05. Passed 7-5-05; Ord. C96-16. Passed 1-3-17.)
(a) Sign Area Measurement.
(1) Signs shall be computed by including the entire area within the sign faces. In computing the sign measurement of a double-faced sign, use one face only. Border trim and structural supports not bearing advertising matter shall not be included in computing the sign area.
(2) Total maximum area for a single sign, identifying an entrance to a business or business center may not exceed fifty square feet for commercial properties and one hundred (100) square feet for industrial properties (see subsection (e) hereof).
(3) The aggregate sign area or display surface of all attached building signs shall not exceed the following:
A. Each business shall be allowed one square foot of building signage per lineal foot of building frontage with a maximum square footage of two hundred (200) square feet.
(b) Use of Building Walls and Windows for Signs.
(1) No sign shall be painted on any wall displaying or advertising a product or service offered with the building.
(2) In commercial and industrial districts, wall signs shall be flat on the face of the building or any architecturally designed extension thereof and shall not project more than twelve inches (12"). Wall signs shall not extend above the parapet of the building.
(3) All signage for multiple tenant buildings shall be consistent in style, color and design (i.e. all channel letters or all box signs).
(c) Roof Signs. All roof signs shall be prohibited.
(d) Double-faced Signs. All signs, except those erected parallel to any right of way, in front of a permanent structure or natural barrier, shall be double faced.
(e) Monument and Pole (Free Standing) On-Premise Signs.
(1) There may be only one sign located on any single tax parcel of land, as established by the Franklin County Auditor, regardless of the number of buildings or business establishments on such parcel. A sign may be located in front of the building set back line. The sign shall not exceed the height of eight feet for commercial or industrial properties. The sign shall not exceed a maximum of fifty square feet for commercial properties or one hundred (100) square feet for industrial properties of display space per face of a double-faced sign. Such structure shall be in conformity with the Central Ohio Sign Association's specifications as adopted by Section 1145.04(j). No sign shall be located within the street right of way or on any easement.
(2) The entire sign, including all support structures, base, and associated landscaping shall not be less than ten feet (10') from any adjoining lot line.
(3) The top face of the sign shall be no more than eight feet (8') for commercial properties and industrial properties measured from the base of the sign or supporting structure at finished grade to the top of the highest element. Finished grade shall be grade defined under standard civil engineering practice, exclusive of any filling, berming, or mounding solely for the purpose of increasing the elevation of a sign.
(f) Awnings and Canopies.
(1) Setback from curb lines. No awning or canopy shall be permitted to extend beyond a point of twelve inches inside the curb line.
(2) Height above sidewalk. All awnings and canopies shall be constructed and erected so that the lowest portion thereof is not less than eight feet above the level of the sidewalk.
(3) Advertising. No advertising shall be placed on any awning or canopy, except that the name of the owner and the business, industry or pursuit conducted within the premises may be painted or otherwise permanently placed on a space not exceeding eight inches (8") in height on the front and side portions thereof. Any advertising space used on an awning or canopy shall be considered as part of the total permitted signage for a building or structure, as determined by this section.
(g) Signage for commercial properties located in a PUD zoning classification may request a deviation from subsection (a) and (e) of this section and shall be subject to recommendations of the Planning Commission and Council approval. Consideration for any deviation shall be based on providing consistent and complimentary signage for the entire project and to scale the signage to set backs, and wall space.
(Ord. C85-01. Passed 12-3-01; Ord. C58-05. Passed 7-5-05.)