No person or corporation shall publicly sell or offer for sale five or more articles of tangible personal property in any residential or accessory structure or yard located in any R-1, R-2, R-3, D-1, D-2, A-1, A-2, PUD-R or rural district without first having obtained a license for such sale from the City.
(Ord. C54-84. Passed 9-4-84; Ord. C36-16. Passed 5-2-16.)
(a) Application for such sale shall be made at least ten days in advance of the first day of the sale. No sale shall be conducted either in whole or in part after sunset.
(b) Application for such licenses shall be submitted to and be approved by the City. Only two such licenses shall be issued for a single address in any twelve-month period and shall be valid for not more than three consecutive days.
(c) The City may refuse to issue the required license for any sale which, in his judgement, would be detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the community or to the residential character of the neighborhood, it being the intention to restrict such sales to casual sales of reasonable limited amounts of tangible personal property.
(Ord. C13-74. Passed 3-4-74; Ord. C36-16. Passed 5-2-16.)
One sign announcing the sale may be erected on the premises at which the sale is being conducted and two signs may be erected off the premises at locations selected by the applicant. Such signs shall be erected no earlier than the night before the first day of the sale and such signs shall be removed no later than the close of the final day of the sale. The signs or placards may be no larger than three square feet and must be without illumination, movement or illusion of movement. No sign or placard shall be attached in any manner to any utility pole, fence or any other structure within any public right of way.
(Ord. C62-82. Passed 9-20-82.)