   No electrical sign of any description shall hereafter be erected without having been inspected on the ground and approved by the Building Inspector. It shall be the duty of the manufacturer or installer of such sign to notify the Inspector when the sign is ready for ground inspection.
(Ord. C85-01. Passed 12-3-01; Ord. C58-05. Passed 7-5-05.)
1145.10   MAINTENANCE.
   If any sign is or becomes insecure or is in danger of falling or otherwise unsafe, the owner thereof or the person maintaining it shall, upon receipt of written notice by certified mail, as defined in Section 1133.06 of the Codified Ordinances, from the Building Inspector, proceed immediately within seventy-two (72) hours to put the sign in a safe and secure condition or remove it.
(Ord. C85-01. Passed 12-3-01; Ord. C58-05. Passed 7-5-05.)
   If any sign is installed, erected, constructed or maintained in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, the Building Inspector shall notify the owner or lessee thereof in writing to alter such sign so as to comply with this chapter or to remove such sign within ten (10) days or a time designated by the Inspector.
(Ord. C85-01. Passed 12-3-01; Ord. C58-05. Passed 7-5-05.)