No person shall construct, install, alter or repair any publicly displayed signs within the City unless the person is the holder of a license then in force, issued by the City, giving the person the right to perform or supervise the work or unless the person has then in his employ a holder of a license then in force supervising the work. The license shall be obtained by request therefor to the Building Department and such request shall be accompanied by a fee of fifty dollars ($50) and meet the requirements of Chapter 1375.
(Ord. C85-01. Passed 12-3-01; Ord. C58-05. Passed 7-5-05.)
All ground signs shall be landscaped at their base with acceptable ground cover material in accordance with Chapter 1136 of the Codified Ordinances. The landscape plan shall accompany, and be presented simultaneously, with the related sign plan. However, the landscape plan may be accepted or rejected independent of the sign plan.
(Ord. C85-01. Passed 12-3-01; Ord. C58-05. Passed 7-5-05.)
Banners shall be permitted only as public or semi-public signs for churches, schools, community or other public or semi-public (such as the Chamber of Commerce, Civic Club, registered nonprofit agencies) buildings or events, not to exceed forty (40) square feet. Banners may not be used by privately held companies or publicly held corporations, except as provided for in Section 1145.14(e). Permissible banners may be erected for not more than thirty (30) days per calendar year. Banners displaying personal messages, such as birthday, births, retirement, graduation, or other personal messages may be erected on private residential parcels for not more than fifteen (15) days in one calendar year.
(Ord. C85-01. Passed 12-3-01; Ord. C58-05. Passed 7-5-05.)
(EDITOR'S NOTE: See Section 1301.99 for general Building Code penalty.)
(Ord. C85-01. Passed 12-3-01; Ord. C58-05. Passed 7-5-05.)