RULE 34. All service lines laid from curb box at the street, to the point where entrance is made in the premises to be supplied with water shall be constructed of “K” copper, not less than one inch in size and shall have a covering of not less than four feet of earth and shall not be laid within three feet of any sewer trench, unless otherwise designated by the Utility Superintendent.
   Service lines shall be laid on a ninety degree angle from the main to the structure entrance or as approved by the Utility Superintendent. The consumer must provide suitable housing facilities for the meter, where it is readily accessible for reading and removal for repairing.
   Meters are required to be set in a vertical position and at a point on the incoming service pipe within three feet of the foundation wall on the inside of the building. Meters shall be installed at least six inches above the finished floor and not more than four feet above the finished floor. Plumbers in laying out their work shall pay strict attention to those requirements. There shall be but one residence on a service branch and each branch shall be metered. Each house or building shall have a separate curb stop located outside the premises and on a public right of way. The Village Administrator may require properties or premises not so equipped to install additional services and/or curb stops at the expense of the property owner. Where a meter cannot be conveniently and safely located within a building, the Utility Superintendent may order an approved outdoor meter box or vault constructed at the consumer's expense. The box or vault shall be of concrete, tile or brick construction with a steel manhole cover. No obstruction shall be placed on the cover at any time and the covers shall be kept free from ice and snow. The top of the box or vault shall be high enough so as to eliminate danger of surface water seepage.
   No person other than an authorized agent of the Utility Department shall turn on water to any premises. The Utility Superintendent or an authorized agent of the Utility Department may permit the plumber to turn on the water in order to test the plumbing prior to final test. After final approval by the Utility Department, the water shall be turned off at the curb box. No person other than an authorized agent of the Department shall turn the water on after the final plumbing test has been made and approved by the Utility Department. Any violation of this rule and regulation shall be considered as tampering with the water system and shall carry the penalty as outlined in Rule 5 et seq. No extensions or alterations shall be made in water pipes or fixtures between the meter and curb box except by a plumber and with the approval of the Utility Superintendent. Meters connected with steam or hot water boilers shall have a check valve placed at the outlet end of the meter and the hot water tank or boiler and as far from the meter as possible to protect the meter from back pressure. Domestic boilers shall have a suitable safety or vacuum valve to prevent damage when water is turned off and drained from the street mains.
   Damage to water meters resulting from improper connections between boilers and furnaces or other heaters shall be the responsibility of the consumer and repairs will be charged to the consumer. Approved final inspection will constitute the end of the water construction period. Water service will not be turned on again until water meter is set.
   No meter shall be set until:
   (a)    Final inspection has been made and approved.
   (b)    The property owner has signed for service and paid the minimum advance water charge. Contractors are reminded that it is unlawful for anyone to move into a new residence until after final plumbing inspection approval.
      (Ord. 39-86. Passed 10-6-86. )