RULE 35. The installation of fire protection service connections to supply water to standpipes and sprinkler systems for fire protection only, shall be permitted when applications and plans for such service have been submitted and approved and the classification of such service determined by the Village Administrator and Utility Superintendent. Pipes intended for fire protection shall not be tapped or used for the general supply of any building, structure or premises unless so authorized by the Village Administrator and Utility Superintendent.
Fire service connections may be made by any reputable contractor with the approval of the Utility Superintendent.
No person except an authorized agent of the Utility Department or the Clay Genoa Fire Department or a person with a special permit from the Utility Superintendent shall disturb any fire hydrant or any part thereof or take any water from such hydrants under any circumstances. Special permits will be issued by the Utility Superintendent or his authorized agent for use of a fire hydrant. A hydrant wrench will be furnished by the Utility Department for a fifty dollar ($50.00) deposit plus a charge of fifteen dollars ($15.00) the first day of usage, one dollar ($1.00) per day for the next ten days. Upon return of a hydrant wrench to the Utility Department, the bill will be adjusted according to the above charges. In case any damage is done to a fire hydrant by any person, he shall, upon demand of the Utility Department pay such damages and all costs and expenses incurred by reason thereof. In case of fire, the Fire Department shall have the right to use any hydrant, hose, pipe or other fixture wholly or in part from any pipe used for fire protection. (Ord. 39-86. Passed 10-6-86.)